Chapter 21- Jack and Chips checkup

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Chip POV

My alarm rang really early this morning. I know why because I was going to the office before school. Jack was too I know he wasn't up for it either.

Jack POV

It's been just me and my mom. My parents are divorced. My dad was abusive towards my mom. That's why I turned into a bully. I'm not anymore since I met Chip the best boyfriend ever.
I just got up my alarm went off. I'm dreading this appointment that I have to go to before school.
I went downstairs to my mom with a sad look on my face.
"Morning honey" my mom said
"Morning" I said in a upset tone

"What's wrong" my mom said in a worried tone

"I don't want to go to his office" I said in a sad way

My mom slammed her book down on the table.
"Your going you skipped school this is your punishment" she said

"Fine whatever but I don't wanna go to school then" I snap

"You missed work yesterday you need to go to school honey" she said calmly

"Fine I'll go but I expect something out of this" I said as I turned around and stomped up the stairs to get ready for school.

Chip POV

I just noticed it was raining outside. I groaned and rolled out of bed and fell on the floor. I didn't wanna go but I didn't wanna pitch a fit or upset my brother.
My brother knocks on the door and comes in and he noticed me on the floor he chuckles.
"What a morning you started with" he chuckles

"Shut up" I say as I sit up and look at Sam with a annoyed look.

He just chuckles. "Get ready bud we need to leave in 15 min" he said

"Fine but I need coffee" I say as I stood up and yawned and started towards the door. And let out a big yawn.

"Chip" my brother said

"What" I say and turn around to face him

"Aren't you too young to have coffee it's not the best for you or your teeth" he complains

"Does it look like I care" I mock and turned back around and went downstairs.
I grabbed a cup of coffee because my brother always makes some. He always has to have his coffee before work.

I sipped my coffee and cringed. I went to the fridge and put a little bit of milk in it. I then sipped it again it was a lot better.

Sam comes downstairs and looks at me with a shocked look.

"I said no coffee" he said and crossed his arms across his chest.

"You drink it why shouldn't I" I mock

He paused. "I need it you don't need it" sam complains

I finished my cup of coffee and went upstairs and got my clothes together and went to my bathroom and got ready. Don't worry Sam I brushed my teeth.

I walked downstairs and smirked at Sam.
"Really" He said he was dressed in his scrubs

"I'm ready and I brushed my teeth" I smiled at him showing my teeth.

"Good good good" he said

I went and slipped my converse on. A crash of thunder was heard it was loud and scared the shit out of me.

"Holy shit" I yelled

"You ready yet" Sam said as he let out a big yawn.

"I guess" I say

We went out the car. Then drove to the office. It was pouring out. We ran inside.

Jack and his mom were already in the waiting room.
I went up and hugged Jack.

"U ready boys it will be quick and easy" sam said

"I guess" me and jack said in a upset tone.

We followed him to the examination rooms we both sat in the corner of the room.

Sam went and got his tools and such.
He came back and slipped on gloves and a mask under his chin.

"Who's first" He said
Me and Jack looked at each other.
"Me" I offered and went to the chair and sat down.

"Wow I did not expect that" Sam chuckles

"Whatever just get it over with" I say

He lowered the chair. Pulled up his mask and grabbed his tools.
He was in dentist mode.

"Open" Sam said

I opened and let his tools slip in my mouth. Jack just watched me.
He tapped each and every tooth luckily no pain.

He took his tools out and put the chair at its normal state.

"You did very well Chip now can I just clean your teeth and we will be all set?" he said

"Did you do that to the other students" I say

"No but I would like to or we can just do it at home" he said and shrugged his shoulders

" at home" I say as I hop out of the chair

He shrugged and took off his gloves. He snapped on a fresh pair.

"Ok Jack I'm ready for you" sam said

Jack POV

"Do I have too" I say

Sam looks at me. "Take your time"
Chip looks at me and says "It will be ok I will hold your hand"

I slowly got up and then sat in the dentist chair.
Chip stayed there and held my hand.
Sam lowered the chair.

"Open" sam said

I opened and let him put his tools in my mouth.
He tapped on each tooth.
One tooth and I winced.

"Small cavity" sam said and sighed

He finished tapping on my teeth and put the chair back to its normal state.

"A cavity!" I say

"It's a small one" Sam said as he took off his gloves and mask.
"When will it be done" I say

"Me and your mom will set an appointment can't do it now got a busy day" Sam said

Chip POV

Jacks mom and my brother set up and appointment for Jack.
Jack comes up to me and says "my appointment is today after school" he said in a worried tone

"It will be fine" I say and kiss him on the cheek

Shelby dropped us off at school thank god we were not late. The busses were just arriving.

We went in and went to our lockers and got our books and such.
The first bell rang and we kissed and went to our classes.

The day went by slow I can sense Jack was nervous for his appointment after school

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