Chapter 20- a living hell

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I yelled "Chip! You up there". I heard whispers coming from the treehouse.

Chip POV

I heard my brother well I'm in for quite a Hell experience.
"Yes?" I say

"Get your ass down here" he yelled

Me and jack went down there together.
We held hands comforting each other.

"I know why both of you did not want to go to school." He scolds

"Yea I know Sam John Winston" I yell

"Mock mock and more MOCK why didn't you not go to school?" He sternly said

"If I did and got the checkup I'll probably have a damn fit or a panic attack" I say

"I would I made sure you didn't I never want to see you panic"Sam says

" Jack , go inside I'm gonna have a fit" I whisper to jack
"No I am on your side I'll protect you" Jack whispers back in my ear.

"Uh Huh But j didn't want it at school" I say to sam annoyed

Sam rolled his eyes. "Office tommorow morning boys we doing at my office before school"

Jack and I exchanged looks. "I seriously just had a checkup Sam" I whine

"What about Jack?" Sam said looking at jack

"Uh I don't remember" Jack mumbled

"I will just ask your mother" Sam said

Sam went to the back door and knocked on the door.
"Hello Dr. Winston" Jacks mother said

"Hello Shelby I was wondering when was Jacks last appointment at my office for a checkup" Sam asked

"Umm a few months back I believe" Shelby said

"Ok I was just wondering because chip and Jack skipped school because I was giving their class checkups" Sam said

" Jack What!" Shelby said

"Yea I'm pretty mad at chip too" Sam said

"What are you gonna do then since he didn't go to school" Shelby asked

"They are both coming to my office tommorow morning for a checkup before school they may be a little late but you know we can write a note or something" Sam said

"That sounds good" Shelby said

Shelby then winked at Sam.

Sam went back over to the treehouse.
"Come on chip we gotta go home we got some talking to do at home" sam said

I kissed Jack then said " I guess see you tommorow".

I climbed down the ladder and smiled nervously at Sam.
"Let's go" sam said as he grabbed my arm and dragged me to the car basically.

We got to the car and went home we didn't say a word to each other.
When we got home sam put his keys in the door and unlocked it. I pushed him and stomped up to my room.

"I wasn't done talking to you Chip!" Sam said as he slammed the door behind him.

"Well I was done!" I yelled and slammed my door.

I threw myself on my bed and started crying.
"I hate my brother" I say to myself.

Sam stomps up to my room and opens the door and says
"Why are you crying chip" he said and crossed his arms across his chest

I lifted my head up and grabs him my evil look.
"None of your damn business" I mumble

"Don't look at me like that" he said in a annoyed tone.
"I can look at you however I please" I mocked

"Why didn't you go to school. I expected you and Jack there. I was just doing a simple checkup nothing painful" Sam said calmly

I turned my head to look at him directly.
"Because it's school there isn't supposed to be dentist shit there. I have no idea why you chose this career path" I said angerily

"What other career path you want me to go?" Sam said calmly

"Be a good brother that's what" I said as another tear came down my cheek.

His eyes softened. "I'm sorry for being a ass. Dinner in 10." He said as he got up and left my room shutting my door behind him.

10 min later. I walked downstairs and dinner was on the table. It was meatloaf and some veggies.

I sat down and began eating. "I'm sorry too" I said to Sam
"Apology accepted" He Said and smiled softly.
We finished eating and watched a movie.
I fell asleep and he carried me to bed. He set my alarm for me too. Tommorow was Friday thank god.

My brother, the dentist Where stories live. Discover now