Chapter 3

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We drove off to his office. We didn't speak much. I was listening to my music. I'm the type of person who loves back in the day music like 80's and 90's music and some oldie rock and roll.

We finally pulled up in the parking lot of his office.i started panicking I did not want to go in
He got out of the car and I pressed the button to lock the doors. I stuck my tongue out at him.

He smirked and grabbed his keychain and pressed the unlock button.

He came on my side and opened my door.
"Come on you ain't so smart Chip" he laughs

I was listening to the safety dance on my phone

He reached over and clicked my seatbelt off and dragged me out of the car.
I paused my music.
"Sam let me go!" I say in a panicked tone.
"Not till we do this check up" he says
We walked in and got in a exam room which he plopped me on and shut the door with me alone in here. He went and grabbed his equipment and stuff I think.

He walked in wearing a lab coat,a tray with instruments on it and his gloves and mask.He sat his stuff on the rolling cart.

I jumped out of the chair  and stood in the corner with my arms crossed.

He shot daggers at me with his eyes
"If you are not cooperating we will just forget this whole thing of letting me check your teeth"he says

"Really!" I say joyfully

"Come sit in the chair and we can chat"he smirked

I sat on the chair he pulled something from under the chair and placed it over me
They were straps

I tried to sit up but he pushed me down and quickly strapped me up.

My legs and torso were strapped I couldn't move but I can move my head.

I faced away from him
He called in his assistant
"Finn help me with him" he says
Finn grabbed my head and Sam played another strap over my forehead.

"I hate you" I yell
I was able to lift my hand up a slight bit and flip him off.
"Why are you not cooperating with me Chip" sam asked

"Because I hate you" I growl at him

He rolled his eyes and looked at his computer then at my x rays his facial expression changed from annoyed to angry.

"How long have you had this toothache" he states

"A week and a half " I growl at him

"Why didn't you tell me" he yells

"I didn't wanna deal with you dragging here so I kept silent" I chuckle

He rolled his eyes.  "I dragged you here today so ha and also you have more than one cavity
3 cavities one needing a root canal"He scolds

I widened my eyes and struggled against the straps
I gotta get out a hear I'm not letting him do this to me

"I'm sorry Sam I'll be good please I strap me" I said calmly.

"Well I sort of trust you" he states as he starts to unstrap me I jumped out of the chair and bolted out the door and out into the parking lot

"Holy crap" I say as I run and run till I could run no more I ended up at the  park and I just swing on a swing and listen to my music.

My brother, the dentist Where stories live. Discover now