Chapter 34- Orthodonic examination with Derek

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We got home. I went up to my room and threw myself on my bed and groaned.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and texted Jack. J= Jack C=Chip

C= I have an honest question

J= what is it?

C= do you know the orthodontist named Derek Shepherd

J= Umm.. I do he used to be my orthodontist

C= was there anything wrong with him?

J=why's that?

C= he's the orthodontist at my brothers clinic and my brothers assistant

J= r u kidding me? Also he's really gentle but was my moms boyfriend they had a fight. That's why I don't like him.

C= oh I never knew that boo bear I'm so sorry. I love you I shouldn't be on my phone because I got grounded and I stole it back without him noticing so I gotta go.

J= talk to u soon. Also my appointment is tommorow for my checkup.

C= I gotta see Dr. Shepherd for my examination tommorow so I might see u there ;)

I heard my brother coming up the stairs and I hid my phone .
He came in and gave me a look.
"Do u have your phone you look guilty" He said

"No" I said

"Well okay then" he said but before he turned around my phone fell to the floor it was hiding under my pillow.

"Aha u liar" he chuckled he grabbed my phone from the floor.

"Sam! I'm sorry! Please I need my phone!" I said while starting to cry

"How u acted earlier today was unacceptable" he said while putting my phone in his pocket.

"Nooo I'm sorry Sam please!" He said.

He left the room and slammed my door. I went to bed without dinner as I wasn't hungry and I went to sleep.

The next day arrived and woke up around 8. I stayed in bed and stared at the ceiling. I finally got out of bed around 8:20. I got dressed and threw my shoes on.
I took Rudy out to go potty. I haven't talked to my brother this morning. I let Rudy back in and just stayed outside. My brother opened the door and said "you ready bud?" He says

"No" I say

"What's the matter?" He says

"Nothing let's just go" I say as I got up and went back in the house and waited outside for my brother.

When he got out we drove to the office.

When we got to the office I waited in the waiting room and jack appeared from the main entrance. " Omg Jack" I said and ran up to him and gave him a big hug.

"What time is your appointment?" Asked Jack

"9:15" I say

"Mine is at 930" he says

915 strikes the clock and came out a Derek

Jack cowered next to me. "Omg is that you Jack" said Derek in a cheery mood.
"Um Dr. Shepherd hi" jack whispered

"Well I'm here to retrieve mr. Chip" he laughs

I went along and got up and gave Jack a kiss on the cheek Derek's eyes widened. We got to the examination room and flopped myself on the chair. "So um Jacks your bf?" He asks me as he got his tools and gloves and a mask under the chin. He got the molds ready they were filled with pink goo.

"Yea" I mumbled clearly unhappy to be back in the dentist chair.

"Well first I'm gonna do a quick examination I'm gonna lean back the chair in 3...2...1 blast off!" He said I started giggling.
He was so childish but I for sure knew Sam wasn't when it comes to dental hygiene.

"Open bud" he says as he pulls up his mask and grabs the explorer and mirror.
I opened and his tools slipped in my mouth.

"Very nice teeth" he said

"F..Anks" I said as the tools were still in my mouth. He slips the tools out of my mouth when he finishes examining my teeth.

"My brother makes me brush and floss everyday" I giggled

"Haha Well Chip It looks like I'm gonna take some more advanced xrays so I can take a better look". Derek but the chair back to its normal state. He grabs a few films from the tray and places them in my mouth "hold still please just gotta go press a button right out here" he says as he zooms out to the outside of the room and hits the buzzer. He takes the films out and put them on the tray then finally takes a few more. He looks at them. "I gotta check something real quick I'm gonna lean you back" he says as he puts on a fresh pair of gloves. He checks the spot then feels around my mouth with his fingers.

He takes them out and puts my chair back to its normal state. He takes his gloves is and replaces them. "One more thing time for the molds they are gonna be gross but you can be strong right?" He says as he grabs the first mold and tells me to open I look at the mold "no" I say and look away.

"What's wrong bud" he says putting the mold down.
"I don't want braces" I say

"Very well do you want me to get Sam" he says turning a bit stricter

"No please just get it over with" I whine
I open my mouth and let him place the mold in my mouth. It was GROSS I spit it out and it splattered on the floor and I ran to the bathroom and locked it and rinsed my mouth.

"I don't want braces" I cried

I knock was sounded at the door it was Sam
"Chip Open the door I had to have someone take over for Jack and I'm beyond upset" he said

I unlocked it and he came in and saw tears in my eyes.
"The molds aren't that bad" sam says

"They are I spit it out" I cry

"U spit it out?" He says

"I don't want braces" I snap

"Shh Shh calm down I know it's hard." He said

"Wait who took over" I said calming down

"My right hand man, Josh Lockwood also a dentist and our cousin" he says

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