Chapter 11-Angry

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Chip POV

I ran to my favorite park and climbed my favorite tree and let my tears spill in anger.

Chip bolted out of his room and I think out the front door. I made him angry.
I know where he goes when he's
Mad he usaully goes to that park and hides in that tree he always likes.
I decided to head there I got there a group of boys were heading to his location I bolted towards the tree.

Chip POV

"Well well Well look who it is" that one bully said

I lift my head up and saw them. I shot them an angry glance.

The one billy threw a big rock at me making me collapse to the ground.

"Leave him alone" yelled my brother
I looked at him and smiled he was protecting me.

"Look it's Dr.Winston" that guy laughed

"Don't piss me off Jack. You know what I can do to you" my brother said to the boy

I slowly look up my cheek was killing me.

My brother and that kid who my brother says is jacks are arguing.

My brother pushed jack to the ground and help him there
"Open your mouth" he demanded

Jack POV

I was scared of dr Winston because he did something to me a long time ago I'm so freaking scared.

I shook my head no.
I struggled and I kicked him where it hurts.

"Shit!" He yelled

I saw chip get up and came running to his brother.

Chip POV

I saw what happened to my brother and immediately got up and ran over to him.

"Sam r u ok" I say

"Chip I'm fine thanks for asking" sam said

I gave jack the death glare.
"Can I hurt him please?" I asked Sam

"Just do it I didn't care anyways" sam said

I went up to jack and kicked him in the jaw.
Sam just laughed.

"You are such a dick Chip!" He yells

I kicked him in the head he passed out.

"Now what sam" I say

"Let's take him to the office and fix him up " he smirked

Sam lifted jack over his shoulders and we went to the car and drove up to the office

We got in and restrained him to a chair.

Jack POV****************

I kind of woke up with two faces staring at me.
My vision became clearer and I saw dr Winston and Chip.
I tried getting up but I was restrained
This reminded me of the first time I ever saw Dr.Winston.

Flashback*******1 year ago

I did hate the dentist but my mom made me go. I refused to get out of the car. So my mom asked Dr.Winston to get me out and he succeeded

I was restrained to the chair.
And I had my checkup and 2 fillings which was unpleasant it hurt.

Flashback end*************************

I starting panicking.
"Please.." I say
"You hurt my brother" Dr.Winston said

"I'm sorry" I say
"You hurt his tooth plus you have a cavity that needs filled I'm doing it the painful way" he says

Dr.Wiston put the mouth prop in and out the drill in my mouth no numbing. I screamed and cried for it to stop. My vision blurred.

My brother, the dentist Where stories live. Discover now