Chapter 8 - summer break is over

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Chip POV

I was just sitting on my bed playing on my phone when Sam knocked on my door I say
"Come in"
He said "I need to talk to you about something"

"Well What is it" I said
"I want you to attend public school" he said seriously
"R u flipping serious" I mumble
"I'm serious and the first day is Monday which you have a few days to get ready all enrollment is done" he said

"Ugh Fine wait what about supplies and stuff" I said
"All in that new bookbag I bought you" he said

"Cool" I say

I was not ready.i didn't wanna go to this new school but I don't want Sam angry. A angry dentist is never a nice dentist.

*fastforward to Monday*

My alarm is going off at 645. School starts at 8
I roll out of bed falling on the floor and clumsily got up from the floor. I grabbed my uniform I must wear and walked to the bathroom.

I looked in the mirror I smiled. I had a nice smile a few of my bottom teeth are crooked.

I got my uniform on and finished getting ready.
I also brushed my teeth and used mouthwash
I made my hair nice.

I left the bathroom and went downstairs where sam in his polo and jeans.

"R u ready?" He smiles
"I guess" I say

I grabbed my bookbag and lunch off the counter and looked at Sam.
"I'm ready" I say

We went to the garage and got in the car and he drove me to my new school it was on the same road as my brothers office that sent shivers down my spine.

He dropped me off in front of the school. I looked at it it was a nice school about 3 floors. I was in 8th grade. I went in the doors where many kids were walking in too.

I looked at my schedule and proceeded to my home room.
In there there was 6 other kids just chilling listening to music out loud. I sat in a empty desk away from them I had social anxiety.

A few other students walked in followed by the teacher.

"Good morning class happy first day I'm Mr.Wilford " He squealed

"A child inside" I said to myself

"Sit down everyone I'm doing roll call" he said

He called everyone's name then came mine
"Chip Winston" He said That's my last name.
"Here" I say

A few kids looked at me "I have a dentist named Dr.Winston" one said

I sighed.

"Let's start off by introducing ourselves" said Mr.wilford

Mr.Wilford pointed at me "Chip you go first everyone seems so interested in you come to the front of the classroom"

I slowly got up from my chair and everyone was looking at me. I chuckled nervously.

I got to the front of the classroom.
"Go ahead" said Mr.Wilford

"Well I'm Chip Winston,my parents died quite a few years ago,I live with my older brother Sam he is a dentist" I said

"Thank you" said mr Wilford

I slowly sat back down and the kid next to me said "poor chip I feel bad"

I looked at her. She smiled and said Hi.

After everyone was done introducing ourselves and did a few activities the bell rang it was time for math

The last class was PE

So we did the normal PE stuff of exercising and playing a game we played dodgeball.

I was was hit in the face I fell to the ground and blacked out.

I woke up in the nurses office. "Wha happened" I slurred

"Hit in the face by a dodgeball sweetie" the nurse said

"Oh dear that hurt" I say

"Yea,also I called your brother he's on his way to pick you up your stuff is in that corner over there" she said

The nurse gave me a ice pack I put it on my face.
My brother came walking in and his eyes widened.

My brother, the dentist Where stories live. Discover now