Chapter 18-my brother at school

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I saw my brother walk in the classroom I felt jack tense up.
"It's ok Jack" I whisper and he calmed down some

"We have dr. Winston here to talk to you students about dental hygiene" Mrs Martha said

"Thank you mrs Martha I'm excited to be here. Well I'm here to talk about to keep your teeth healthy" Sam explained

A sea of groans came from all the students. I rolled my eyes.

I started chuckling when my brother was speaking. I think it's funny when he talks about dentistry.

"Chip don't laugh" Mrs Martha pointed me out

Sam continues to talk and I still chuckled. It got to the point I just burst out in laughter.

"Can I be excused Mrs Martha" I said

"Yes Chip" She said I walked out of the classroom and just laughed so hard tears came down my cheeks.i think Sam gave me a angry glare.

I went to the restroom to wash up. After 5 minutes I walked back to class. I walked to my seat but I missed it and fell on my ass I started laughing so did jack and the whole class besides Sam.

"That was embarrassing" I chuckle as I sat on my chair.

Class ended we walked out the door but Sam pulled me back as I was about to walk out of the door.
"What?" I mock
"That was very rude we are talking when we get home" he said he let me leave after.

Soon it got to the end of the day. I took the bus home. And when I got home the look on sams face he was not happy

"What happened at school?" He said

"I don't know..I just lost control I think your funny and stuff" I chuckle

"You think that's funny? Your health?" He says

"No no no...maybe dental hygiene" I chuckle

"You think I'm funny?" Sam says

"Yes! Your childish too" I laugh

"I haven't told the class yet but I'm doing checkups" he said

I backed up. "No..I don't want you too especially my boyfriend" I snap

"It starts next week but don't tell anyone" he states

"Your wish is my command" I mocked and went up to my room and did my homework.
I texted Jack
J=jack C=Chip

C:I got something important to tell you

J: what is it is it to do with your brother

C:very he's coming to do checkups next week

J: well I'm not going to school next should not either

C: probably I will probably break down like I always do.

J: wait..will your brother find out why you are not there

C: I'll hide out maybe.

J:In my treehouse we can get survival stuff

C:sounds good

Next week came and we put our plan in action I went in jacks treehouse early in the morning I made sure to turn off my tracker on my phone

Jack soon came after to my half asleep self.

My brother, the dentist Where stories live. Discover now