Chapter 35- My cousin?

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Chip POV

"My cousin can I meet him?" I said

"After he's finished with Jack" Sam said

"Can I save these molds for another day?" He said
"Unfortunately not" he said he took my arm and led me to the same Examination room. Where dr shepherd was waiting. "Sammy hold my hand" I said as I sat on the chair.

"Yes" Sam said calmly and took my hand and started running circles with his thumb on my hand.

Derek grabbed the mold and said "Open" I opened and started crying it was so gross.
2 min have passed and now it was time for the other mold. He did it and manage to get through it. Sam helped me calm down I felt a lot better. Sam and Derek has a conversation.

Sam came up to me and looked at me with a guilty look.

"Hmm?" I say

"Unfortunately one of your teeth are gonna have to come out" he said

"No" I cried
"We are gonna get this over and done with" Derek said
And started reclining the chair.
"Noooo" I cried and almost jumped out of the chair but Sam caught me.
He forced me down and strapped me down.
Derek got a mouthprop and place fit in my mouth. I was crying and crying and was starting to panics

He put some numbing gel on my gum and inserted the needle a few minutes later.
I winced. Then Derek got straight to work. He said to close my eyes and soon enough my tooth was out.

He rinsed my mouth out and placed gauze on my gum where it was bleeding and unstrapped me. I was crying still "I WANT JACK!" I cry

Sam hugged me. He was calming me down his hugs were the best my brother was so loving. Especially when not in dentist mode.

I got up out of the chair and walked out.

"Do u wanna meet your cousin" said Sam rushing out after me

"Oh yea I do" I said

Sam led me to the office where our cousin was in. We went in and he looked up to me.

"Hi chip it's nice to finally meet you!" He says happily

"When did you start working here and what's your name" I asked My cousin

"Not to long ago and my name is Josh Lockwood" he says

"Nice to meet you Josh" I said smiling at him

Sam just stood in the doorway watching us.
"How about we all 3 go out to early dinner and get to know each other better" Sam suggested

"Yea that sounds good" said Josh

"Yea where we going though?" I said

"Ihop" He says

"Omg I love ihop" I said in a excited tone

"Same here" Josh chuckles as he looks at me

It was now 4 o clock. I waited in Sam's office while Sam and Josh cleaned up the office. A few hours since my tooth came out

Sam came in and said "you ready to go?"

"Ya!" I said I loved IHOP
I couldn't wait I wanted the new Oreo pancakes but will my brother approve?

My brother, the dentist Where stories live. Discover now