Chapter 14- Jack likes me

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(A/n) this is jack. I don't own any pictures so yeah enjoy reading.
Chip POV

It was the next day. I was at my locker and a note slipped out.

Hey Chip
I like you I wanna be closer together

What the hell? As long as he treats me nicely maybe we can be friends

I was walking to my next class. Jack starts walking with me. "Hey" He says
"Hey" I say
He tries to hold my hand it was cringe but his warm comforting hand was so nice I decided to not let go.

That night I been thinking I like boys for some reason but like girls too I may be Bisexual.

I didn't tell my brother because he hated jack with a passion.

The night flew by I fell asleep early thinking of Jack.
I went on the bus and Jack motioned for me to sit with him.

"Hey jack" I say
"Hey Chip" Jack says

"I have been thinking I like you too.." I managed to say

"Aww Chip you are the sweetest" he says

I blushed we decided to hold holds his warm hands were so nice.
He leans his head on my shoulder.
I enjoyed it.
We decided to hook up as a couple.

We got to school and it needed to being a good day.
At lunch we shared a cookie it was very tasty

The school day came to a end we walked out the doors with our hands held together  we got on the bus.
When it was my stop he gave me a small kiss on my hand.
I came in my house with Sam playing gta

"You stealing my game huh" I laugh

"Oh shush I'm trying to get five stars" he says as his eyes stayed locked on the tv.

I went up to my room and did my homework. Jack gave me his number so I texted him.
The next thing I heard was Sam screaming
At the tv.
"FUCK YOU COPS" he says

I laugh as I finish my homework. I decided to go to the park and hang out with Jack.
He met me there and we just chilled together and got to know each other better. It seems like we have a lot of things in common.
It started to the chilly, as it were early stages of fall.we took a lot of selfies together and Snapchat filters.
We got ready to head home. He kissed me on the cheek goodbye "I'll see you tommorow" he says

I walked home. It was now dinner time I walked in the door and dinner was ready it looked like chicken Parmesan.
I sat down and ate. I kept thinking about jack.
"R u distracted?" Sam asks

"Nah" I say
"Chip.." He says

"What" I say

"U have an appointment tommorow after school" he says
I literally forgot my brother was a dentist  I been so happy
"Ok fine" I say
I wanted to hang out with Jack. I'm gonna ditch this appointment even know how mad my brother will be.

The next morning I got up and got ready for school I got ready in the bathroom took a shower did my hair brushed my teeth

I slipped on my shoes and jacket and my bookbag and left to go wait for the bus.

I got on the bus. I saw jack and sat with him he smiled at me and leaned his head on my shoulder.

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