Chapter 9- In pain

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Chip POV

My brother walked in the nurses office and his eyes widened in shock. I chuckled nervously.

"Jesus Chip What on earth happened!" He said

"Hit in the face by a dodgeball" I say

He sighed. "Well I'll sign you out and we can head to my office and see if there is damage" he said

"Yea that's cool I'm in a lot a pain and I know you'll make it better" I said and smiled at him.

He signed me out and went to the car and we left the school we headed to his office.

We got to the office and parked.
Thoughts swarmed in my head

Don't let him Chip!
He will torture you
It will take the pain away

My vision began blurry and said
"I'm dizzy"
"I'll help you in to the office" he said

He got out than came to the other side and opened the door and helped me.
We walked into the office and I was seated in a exam room chair I stared at the ceiling while Sam was out of the room getting tools I suppose.
He walked back in with a tray and sat it down.

"Let's see what the damage is" he said as he declined me back.
He snapped on gloves and a mask

"Open please" He said
I opened for him
"It looks like there is a crack in one of your teeth and another one is loose" he said

"Loose tooth does that mean.." I said starting to worry
"Yes I have to extract it" he said

I starting panicking.
"Will it hurt" I say

"Just a little pressure and pinching," he said
"Okay do your stuff" I sigh
"Open" He said

I opened and he put numbing gel and gave it a few minutes and it was numb and here he comes with the needle

"Just relax chip and close your eyes" he said

I did as I was told. I just felt a small pinch but that was it.
He grabbed a pair of pliers and gently moved it back and forth till he got it out it wasn't that bad actually.

He cleaned the spot out with some water,and put some gauze on it.
"Aw Ethan wasn't bad was it" he said
I shook my head no.
"Now to fix the cracked tooth" he said
He numbed the spot and put yet another syringe in.he made space on the tooth with a drill.He put some of this filler stuff and put it on and dried it with this light thing.

He turned the overhead light off and returned my chair back to its normal state.

He threw his gloves and mask away.
"Do u know who did this to you" he said

"Um some older boy" I say

"Oh" he says

"Welp I'm ready to go home" I say

"Let me clean up and we can go home" he says

He cleaned up and we went home watching a movies till I drifted off to sleep.

*2 months later*

School been doing well. I have pretty good grades I am pretty smart actually.

Till one day that same older boy from a few months ago. He came up to me with his group of friends. "Oh someone's gonna need a trip to the dentist soon" he laughed
"Shut the hell up before I smack that smug grin off your face! Making you go to the dentist" I snapped
I couldn't believe that I said that
He threw the first punch at my face.
I threw the next one right on his face he fell on the ground crying tears.

My brother, the dentist Where stories live. Discover now