Chapter 31- The checkup fail

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A few days later....

Chip POV

I woke up around 830 again it was a usual time for me to wake up during the week.
I went downstairs and Sam was there checking his phone he was in in a button up shirt and jeans with a blue tie. He did look professional

"Hey" I mumbled

"Hey Chip! Do you know what today is?" He said in a cheery mood

"Thursday?" I questioned

"Well that and it's the day of your appointment"  he said while looking up to me and smirking

"But I got work to do Sam  I can't today" I whined and stomped my foot

"You can do it when you get home it's fine" sam said

"But Sam" I whined

"No buts.. go upstairs and get ready and brush your teeth and floss" he said

I rolled my eyes and groaned and stomped my feet upstairs.
I picked out a pair of joggers and a shirt I went to my bathroom, brushed and floss.

I too am annoyed selfie on Snapchat and sent it to Jack.
Jack said "what's wrong" via text message

"6mo checkup at my brothers office" I sent back

"Oof good luck mine is tommorow I think I'm planning on skipping" he texted back

"Good luck with that lol" I texted back

Just then I heard my brother yell up the stairs

"We gotta go!"

"Okay" I yelled back I stumbled downstairs in a pissy mood.
I slipped my Vans on and a jacket. "I'm ready your majesty" I chuckled

"Okay Good now lets go" he said

I followed him out the door to the car and got in the passenger seat
"Do we have too" I said

"Yes" He said as he started up his car and starts backing up.
We drove off in the direction of his office.

We got to his office and parked they we both went in the waiting room
and he told me to take a seat.

"I got one appointment" he said.

"Okay Fine" I mumbled while sitting down and chilling on my phone.A little later Dr. Shepherd called a name "Chip Winston" He said in a professional way

I got up. "I thought you'll be my brother"
"Well I'm assisting him and he asked me to retrieve you" he said
I literally had thought of skipping this appointment I kneed him and bolted back in the opposite direction and went out the front door and ran and ran. I got to Jacks house and hid in his treehouse "r u at school" I texted him.

"No I woke up with a headache" he said

"Go in your treehouse I'm there" I texted back

Soon enough Jack came out and went in his treehouse.
"You won't believe what I just did" I said

Dr. Shepard POV

He kneed me! I limped back to the examination room where Sam was waiting

"Where's Chip" he questioned

"Uhh He kneed me and took off" I said

"That little.." Sam said in a angry mumble

"What do you want me to do?" I said


"Take over I'm going to find him" I while getting up and stomping angrily out the examination room. I was wearing a lab coat then went out the front doors.
I picked up my phone and called Chip.
While getting in my car.
Chip POV

My phone started ringing it was Sam Uh oh.

I declined the call.

He declined my call.
I luckily know where he probably is.

I got to Jacks house and went in his backyard.
"Chip!" I yelled while heading to the treehouse and started climbing it

Chip POV

He is here I am in deep shit right now.

Sam climbed up in the treehouse.

"Ah ha" he said

"What you know I like skipping ?" I questioned

"That wasn't funny kneeing my new assistant" he said in a angry tone.
"It was" I chuckled

"Both of you down here now" he scolded and basically forced us out of the treehouse to ground level.

"Chip you knew about the appointment why did you do that?" Sam said while crossing his arms across his chest.

"I didn't wanna go!" I said stomping my foot on the ground

"Well well have a talk later we gotta appointment to get too" he said while grabbing my arm with a death grip and leading me to his car.

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