Chapter 19-sam pov Checkups

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Today is the day I do checkups on students.including jack I shivered at the name.

If I found any problems I'll give them an appointment at my office
I gathered all my stuff and headed out the door.
I walked in Mrs Martha's room. Many eyes caught mine I smiled at them.
2 people were missing jack and Chip

"Ok class so Dr.winston is giving you all checkups today.right dr Winston?"mrs Martha said

"Yes. Don't worry about parents Mrs Martha's already contacted them they were fine with it" I said

"So how do u want to start" Mrs Martha asked me

"Who's the first person on the list?" I asked

"Maddie abbe,Maddie your going first" Mrs Martha said

Maddie POV

I honestly am worried. He is my dentist and all but I had a toothache. I'm nervous I don't wanna go

"Maddie sweetheart please follow me" Dr.winston said

I slowly got up we went in a room where there was a portable dentist chair. I stood in my tracks no! No! I'm don't want to

"Maddie it's just a simple checkup" dr. Winston said

He smiles at me. I got enough courage to sit down in the chair.
"So Maddie any toothache or anything?" He asked
I tensed up " yes"
"Well let me take a look" he said
He reclined me back and asked me to open.
I opened and let him slip his tools in my mouth

He found my sore tooth after he checked the rest of my teeth.he retired the chair to its normal state.
"Maddie dear it seems like your wisdom teeth are coming in" he said

I heard many stories of wisdom teeth it seemed painful.

"Is it gonna hurt?" I say

"Not really Maddie,you will be sedated for the procedure" he said

"Alright" I said
"Your finishes have a good day" I gave her a slip of paper with her appointment on it.


Everyone had nice teeth except for Luke who had a few cavities but I made him an appointment to take care of

I had two appointments left they were Chip Winston and Jack Parker they didn't show up today. I bet chip told Jack so they didn't come.

I looked on my phone and saw if I could track his phone but no I couldn't he possibly turned the tracker off.

I was there only for one day. For that one class.
And the other classes in mrs Martha's

It was a good day I decided to pack up and go back to the clinic and see if there was any appointments that need to be taken of.

I had a few checkups to do at the office and those upcoming appointments with Maddie and Luke later this week.

A few hours later I'm getting off work.I got a feeling Chip is at Jacks so I decided to head there.

I knocked on the door I was greeted by Jacks mother Shelby. "Hello Miss" I said

"Hello dr Winston what you doing here" Shelby said

"Looking for my brother do you know where jack is" I asked

"Possibly the treehouse I heard a voice coming from there" Shelby said

I went outside to see the treehouse. It looked really nice. I heard a few voices coming from it they were jacks and chips

My brother, the dentist Where stories live. Discover now