Time skip

702 9 0

It was now Winter. It been 6 months. My braces have been tightened quite a few times I still demanded for them to be taken off but no he won't. I think it's almost my 6 month checkup and one of my teeth been killing me. J bet Sam will blow a shit at me because I brush my teeth every night and I still eat sweets like I'm not supposed too and forgetting to brush sometimes (don't tell Sam!) it was January just after the new year.

It was 7:45 when I woke up because of this pain in my mouth that I haven't noticed before but noticed when I had some foods especially chewier foods like I'm not supposed to have.

I stumbled out of bed and grabbed a blue T-shirt and joggers and headed to the bathroom and jumped in the shower. I also grabbed my Bluetooth speaker to play music

I lathered my self in my awesome smelling body wash. And washed my hair. I stood in the shower singing to my favorite song "nothing holding me back" Shawn mendes

I finished my shower I jumped out. I got dressed brushed my teeth. I head downstairs and saw Sam looking at me and chuckling. He was wearing black skinny jeans and a black checkered shirt with a blue tie.

"What" I laugh showing off my braces

"Your singing omg lol" he starts laughing

I play punched him and was laughing. I totally forgot about my tooth ache I had which I woke up with I didn't wanna tell my brother.

He was sipping his coffee and stopped for a second and looked at me dead in the eyes

"You know Chip it been 6 month" he says sternly

"Shit.." I mumble quietly

"You got a problem with that?" He says crossing his arms

"When do my braces come off" I say

"You'll have to talk to Derek about that you have two appointments today one with me one with him" he said

" but I i have a headache with morning please don't make me with this  headache" I lied

"No buts now go get your shoes on and wait for me outside" he says

I wasn't in the mood to pitch a fight. I got my shoes on and put on my coat  then went outside.
I started walking away from the house I got two minutes into the walk when I saw Sam coming out of the house that's when I took off watching  for ice on the ground towards Jacks house.


I went outside and locked up. "Chip?" I asked and I didn't see him I told him to wait outside.
I saw him go outside.

He probably ditched me. I started up my car and headed in the direction he probably walked in. I saw him running. I honked my horn. Which made him jump and slip on his ass on ice which I had to laugh it

Chip POV

I slipped on ice after Sam honked at me. He came out of the car and started down at me.
I chuckled nervously. He showed me a lending hand.which I got up and he dragged me to the car.


A police officer was down the street and saw us....

My brother, the dentist Where stories live. Discover now