Chapter 29- no more public school for me

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(A/n) Hello all! How you enjoying it so far. If you have any ideas for upcoming chapters let me know I would love to hear them!

I love all my readers thanks all for reading!

Chip POV

After going upstairs and turned on the news my school was on the tv. The school was leveled.
Sam's office is close to the school but the tornado missed it.

"Holy shit Sam!" I called to Sam

"Oh my god!" Sam said

"It just missed your office" I said

"Yes and thank god for that" Sam said

That was the last storm for the day.

"What are we gonna do since I don't have a school?" I said

"Going back to homeschool" Sam said

Rudy was laying on his new bed chewing on his bone.

"At least I don't have to deal with bullies and crap" I chuckled

"Yea" He said

I sat on the couch I texted Jack

C= hey jack did you see our school on the news

J= yea that was horrible it just missed your brothers office and our neighborhood

C= well unfortunately I'm going back to homeschool because of my brother

J= that's fine your brother knows what's best for you ;)

C=it's really late I should go to bed

J= that's fine goodnight love you

I went up to my room and fell asleep almost immediately I was tired as hell.

I woke up around 10:30 am Rudy was on my bed sleeping with me. my brother hasn't signed me up for any homeschool programs yet so I just chilled.
I went downstairs and Sam was gone I bet he was at was at work and Rudy followed me downstairs

I went to the cabinet and grabbed a bowl of Cheerios and poured some milk in it

I went to the living room and turned on Netflix. I watched a few movies. And laughed a lot and texted Jack all day.

Later on that day Sam came home. "Hey" I say clearly in a good mood.

"Hey" He said looking up at me and smiling at me.

"Did you get homeschooling figured out?" I said

"Yep your books shall be coming in the mail in a few days and I already set up the program on your computer" Sam said.

I stretched. "Was there a lot of damage from the tornado by work?"

"Yea there was" sam said

"How much" I said

"Only my clinic and another building were standing" sam said

"Dang" I said

I relaxed on the couch and watched some tv.

"Well I'm going to cook dinner" sam said as he gets up and walks to the kitchen.

Rudy lays on the couch next to me and falls asleep. I watched spongebob which I loved and start singing along with it.
The episode I watched was the one was the Krusty krab Pizza episode.
"Chip dinner!" Sam called from the kitchen

Sam made spaghetti and meatballs. Another one of my favorites.

I sat down after grabbing my plate. Rudy sat there and begged. It made me and Sam chuckle.

After dinner we watched a movie. After the movie I went upstairs showered, got my pajamas on and brushed my teeth. Then I went in my room and watched Netflix on my phone till I felt like falling asleep.
Then I put my phone on the charger and turned over and fell asleep

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