Chapter 10- detention

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"Chip Winston to the principals office" the intercome spoke

I stood up from my desk and grabbed my bag leaving there and slamming the door behind me.

I went to the office and went into the principals office.
I sat down I was a little nervous.
"What has gotten into you,you were pretty good for a while what happened" the principal Mrs.Abby said.
"This boy threw the first punch at me I got him back right in the face" I say
"There's no need for violence mr.winston you have detention today after school" Mrs Abby said.
I stood up to leave and saying thank you to Mrs Abby. I gotta text from my brother

Sam- come home after school I'm taking you to the office .

"Shit" I say to myself
I immediately call him

"Hello" sam said
"Hi sam I got detention" I say
"What the hell Chip Winston" he scolded at me.
"I got in a fight" I said as I hung up and I just immediately became angry.

I walked to the detention room and sat in a empty desk and detention started it lasted 1 hour.

When detention was over I walked home.going past my brothers office I just flipped it off. I ran home fast wen tin my room and locked it.I screamed in anger in my pillow.

I heard angry sounding footsteps coming up the stairs

"Chip Winston Open the door" my brother yelled at me

"No one wants to hear your bullshit Sam" I yell back
I should have not of said that he will now be extra angry.

"Chip Open the damn door!" He yelled back

"No! " I yell

He picked the lock and barged in looking really angry
I sat up and cowered in the corner of my bed

"Tell me what happened" sam said calmly.he sat on my bed.

"Remember a few months ago that boy hitting me with a dodgeball.well he pitched a fight saying "Your going back to the dentist boy" he punched me in the face but I punched him back harder in the face and make him fall and cry and I got detention for that" I say

"Well then first your grounded for a week no electronics.and did he do any damage to your mouth?" He asked

"I understand. I don't think anything happened in my mouth" I say

"Why don't you lay down on the bed and let me take a look" sam said

I laid down while sam went to get the dental kit.

He came back and put on some gloves and a mask
"Open please" He said
I opened and let his tools in my mouth
"Well there's no damage it seems like but there is a cavity that needs filled" he laughs

I closed my mouth
"What no way I had no sweets what so ever" I say
"You had to have some also there's some plaque on the back teeth have you been brushing" he said

"Always" I laugh nervously

He raised an eyebrow at me.
"I can tell you haven't been brushing" he said sternly I quickly sat up and got off the bed and stomped my feet.
I got my slip on shoes on and ran out the door anger filling inside me.

My brother, the dentist Where stories live. Discover now