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"How May I help you" Sam said I slowly walks behind Sam to see what was going on

"I have gotten complains of you hurting your brother" the officer said

"What?" Sam says

"I saw you forcing him into your car against his own will" I say

"He wouldn't listen to me that was only one time" sam says

"Uh Huh I got other complaints especially patients at your office hearing him scream" the officer said

"He doesn't listen to me that's why" sam says

"Well if I hear anymore complains he is going to the orphanage into foster care you here me Sam Winston good day " the officer said as he left

"Yes sir" Sam said and closed the door and looked at me. "I can't loose you" he says as tears starting welling up in his eyes

"I I don't know what to say Sam" I said as tears also Filled in my eyes

I sat on the couch Rudy cuddled up next to me and started bawling my eyes out.
Sam just tried to stay calm and tried not to cry

"I will never hurt you or torture you again because I don't want to lose you chip because you are all I have left" he says and scoops me up and puts me on his lap as he sat down on the couch where I was originally sitting.
My head layed on his chest and I fall asleep.
I woke up a little while later laying on the couch I guess sam put me on the couch.
I was covered in a blanket. Sam called for dinner I was all comfy and was not feeling good at all.
"No thanks" I say

Sam walked In and put his hands on his hips
"Are you okay? Bud?" He says

"I don't feel that well that's all" I say
"What's wrong" He says
"My head really hurts" I say
Sam went back to the kitchen and grabbed a aspirin and a cup of water and handed it to me.
"Here you go" he says

"Thank you" I said as I sat up and he handed them to me and I took the medication.

I finally went upstairs and started on my school work. My headache has gone away.


I was thinking if the police was right I wouldn't hand him off to foster care. But I'll hand him off to Josh so he can come for appointments still.

Chip POV

Honestly these braces are getting on my nerves a bit even though they fucking hurt since Derek tightened them.
Sam came upstairs and came in.
"Get me some asprin my braces hurt" I whine
He throws me a bottle of asprin and water.

I took them hoping to take the pain away. Later soon came dinner
Sam has to talk to me.

We had chicken and rice
"About earlier what the police said I was thinking if I lose my rights you going to Josh your cousins house I already talked to him about that but it won't happen because I will never force you to do something like that ever again" he said

"Make my appointments after ur shift so u can take your time" I say

"I can do that so I'll take my time" he says

"Good thanks Sam I don't want to lose you ever"I say

"Me either" he says smiling at me

" want to watch some greys anatomy?" I asked

"Yea totally" He said

We finished our dinner and headed to the living room and watched greys anatomy till I fell asleep. Sam took me to bed

My brother, the dentist Where stories live. Discover now