Chapter 25- The appointment

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Chip POV

My delicious junk food is gone! I chased Sam down the stairs but I fell down the stairs hitting my jaw.
He turned back and saw me. "Son of a b****" he mumbles to himself.

My jaw hurt really bad. He made me sit up and look at him he told me to open my mouth.

I chipped a tooth. "Damn it you chipped your tooth I'm sorry bud" sam said calmly.

"That's why it hurts so much plus you know...the cavity" I said

"Well if u want we can go to the office tommorow to fix ur teeth" sam said calmly

I groaned and whined some. "Fine but I can keep my junk food okay?"

"We will see how you behave" Sam chuckles

"Ok fine well I'm gonna go to bed don't worry I'll brush my teeth Love you Sam" I said as I rushed upstairs clearly in a better mood.

"Love u too bud!" Sam called

I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth even though it hurt. I wasn't in the mood to get yelled at a angry Sam. Nobody likes an angry dentist!

I then went to my room and almost instantly fell asleep.

*Sunday morning*

Woke up to the sound of rain pittering and pattering on my window. There was a touch of light outside.

I checked my phone it was 6:15 but had to get my teeth fixed today. I won't put up a fight today I don't want an angry Sam especially when I'm in this shitty mood.

I just laid in bed looking at the ceiling, daydreaming.I wanted to get a Dog for some reason. I heard my door creak open and the hallway light shine in my room making me squint. Sam came over to me and sat at the end of my bed.

"Ah, I see your awake" sam said in a happy tone.
"Yea and Sam Umm I've been wanting a dog for awhile" I said

"Me too maybe we can go to the shelter after this appointment and look at some dogs" Sam said

"Really Sam!?" I said in a exciting tone.

"Yes, now we leaving in a hour so I'll make some breakfast you may get ready" Sam said

"Sounds good" I said I got up from my bed, let out a yawn and I stretched. Man I loved to stretch in the morning.

I went over to my dresser grabbed a blue Aeropostale shirt and joggers and went to my bathroom and got ready.
First I jumped in the shower, washed my hair with some awesome smelling shampoo and conditioner. Then I got out of the shower and got dressed and did my hair in a spiked way.

I head downstairs where my breakfast was waiting on the table. I sat down. Sam made a omelet and bacon. I gobbled that down even though my soon to be fixed teeth were aching but Sam was a good cook.

Then we rinsed off our plates and went upstairs to brush our teeth. Sam watched me very closely from the corner of his eye. It didn't bother me. I flossed and used mouthwash.

I went to my room and grabbed by phone and Earbuds. Then I went downstairs slipped on my black converse and waited for Sam.

Sam came downstairs in a polo and jeans. "We're gonna be the only ones there so take how long you'll need Chip Alright?"

"That's good" I said

Sam slipped on his shoes and Jacket. I put on my jacket too. I got up and we left the house. Sam locked the house up.

We jumped in the car it was still raining.
Sam drove to the office. We got there and ran to the door where Sam unlocked the door.

I need to be brave today I am not willing to put up a fight with my brother. We went to one of the examination rooms. I plopped myself in the chair. "Um Sam I got a request" I said

"What is it bud" he says

"No mask it freaks me out" I said and gave him sad puppy eyes

He sighed. "I guess that's fine now I gotta go get my tools be right back" he said
He went to the other room and grabbed all his stuff and came back. He set the tools down on the tray.

He slipped on some gloves. He reclines the chair and positions the light over my mouth.

"Open" He says

It made me feel better that he wasn't wearing a mask I can see how concentrated he was and it was quite interesting.

He grabbed some numbing gel and put it on my gum on my cavity.

"Close your eyes bud" he said, it was becoming numb it felt weird.

I closed my eyes. Then he placed the needle in my mouth there was a small pinch. I winced a bit.
He got to work and filled my cavity. He got composite after he got done drilling and filled it.

Then he got to work on my chipped tooth.
The substance he put on my tooth was cold and tasted extremely sour.

He covered my eyes and got a special light and dried my tooth.
He declined my chair back to its normal state.
Once he was done he gave me a cup of water and told me to swish it around my mouth

"You did Well Chip I'm surprised you didn't throw a fit" Sam chuckles

"Shut up" I play slapped him and started laughing.

He started laughing too and cleaned up his area

"So you ready to go pick out our new puppy" Sam said

"Yes" I exclaimed

We went to the car and drove off to the animal shelter.

My brother, the dentist Where stories live. Discover now