Worst brother ever

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Chip POV

I specifically said no braces! But what does Sam do he puts them on me.

I started having a panic attack. My brother pulls me in tight to help regulate my breathing.

"Why" I started crying

Sam stayed silent to help regulate my breathing

"Shh Shh" Sam says and rubs my back making me a lot calmer.

"Take them off" I demanded

Once I calmed down and I looked at Sam in the face then slapped him and stormed out of the room and started walking to my house even though it was a longer walk but I made it eventually I went in the house through the garage since you just have to put in a code to open the garage door.
I closed it behind me. I stormed inside where Rudy was impatiently waiting. I swore Rudy knew I was in pain because he followed me up to my room where I screamed in my pillow I was beyond upset and Rudy laid next to me on my bed and helped calm me down


He slapped me! That was very uncalled for. He is getting grounded yet again for having an attitude.
I saw him storm out of the office and I pretty much guess where he went too. I gathered my things and locked up the office and I stopped by Jacks house and to his treehouse I went up there no one was up there. So I just went home and possibly worry about his ass later.

Chip POV

I'm in pain! A lot of pain! I hate my brother! I can't handle him anymore!
I was screaming "I hate you" in my pillow multiple times. Rudy immediately got up and went downstairs probably Sam just got home.

I hid my phone in my dresser as I know he's going to take it away yet again. I know I'm getting in a lot of trouble for slapping him.

"Chip!" He yelled from downstairs I stayed silent I didn't wanna deal with his shit right now.


I heard sniffles coming from upstairs that's where I find Chip crying "bud I'm sorry" is all I say
Yet I feel really bad for what I did but I wanted the best for his teeth
But he slapped me that was uncalled for
Chip POV

I hear Sam say he is sorry but I don't believe him because I am in a lot of fucking pain right now.
"Take them off" is all I said when he walked in the room.

" also your grounded where's your phone" he says
"Take them off I will tell you" I say as I lifted my head up to look at him. Showing my red face from crying.
He crosses his arms "it's about time you look at me"
"I need a damn break from you" I mumble under my breath

"What did you say Chip?" He says

"I need a break from you"

That shut him up for a minute. "I made a promise to mum and dad to take good care of you" he finally mentions

"I miss them so much I would rather be with them right now" I cry

He started tearing up. "I can't live without you chip I love you so much"

"Why don't you act like it and don't torture me at the dentist" I snap

"I am just trying to help you" he says quietly

"Take my braces off and I'll rethink it" I sneer

"You'll get used to it" he says as he left my room and slammed it behind him.

My brother, the dentist Where stories live. Discover now