Braces are off (FINAL CHAPTER)

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We got to the office and I jumped out of the car I was in a really good mood.

"Hurry up" I say

"I'm coming hold on!" He would say as he speed walked to the entrance

We got in and we went to the exam room. "I want my braces off first!" I say as Sam enters the room.

"Well I have the regular checkup for you first your other appointment is after this one to get your braces off " sam would say

"But Sam!" I whine  and gave him puppy dog eyes

"Come on this will be quick in painless" Sam says

"Fine" I mumbled and plopped on the dental chair.

Sam reclined me back then got his gloves and mask on. He positioned the light over my mouth. "Open" He says

I opened and slipped his mirror and explorer in my mouth.
He tapped all my teeth luckily no pain.

Then he took xrays. He put film in my mouth. Then took the pictures. He examined the pictures. He put his mask under his chin.

"Your teeth are looking awesome bud no cavities!" He says and gave me a hot five.

Then he called in Derek. Derek came in and smiled at me. "You ready?" He says in a cheery way.

"Yes it's about time" I said

He reclined me back then put gloves and mask on. He explored my mouth then started taking the wire off. Then the brackets then he had to drill the excess glue off. It was only cold no pain.
I rubbed my tongue on my teeth they felt nice. Then came the other molds. I opened my mouth and did the molds they were still gross as hell but managed to get through then he did some other things no pain. Then I was done!

He lastly took xrays to make sure everything was okay. All was good today.
Then he took regular photographs of my smile.

Then I was officially done. I gave both Derek and my brother a big hug.
Even Josh popped in and gave me a hug.

(A/n) This book is now officially complete! Make sure you read the sequel  called our future. Josh is a children's doctor. And I'll rather leave chips career a surprise! Hope you enjoyed my brother the dentist.

My brother, the dentist Where stories live. Discover now