My Teacher Might Be Captain America

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  • Dedicated to Captain America

So, the other day, my sister and I were making a joke that what if my U.S History teacher were Captain America, because he could teach us about America. (Wow, really?!?) Anyway, we continued by saying what if his name was Mr. Rogers and IT WAS CAP OH MY. 

And what if he got a phone call from one of the other Avengers during class: 

Cap: Hold on, class. *answers phone*


Cap: I'm teaching, Tony, I can-

Tony: *over the phone* No, but c'mon Capsicle, we're needed at Fury's

Cap: NO, Stark! I can't just walk out of here! Fury can wait. *to class* Sorry, guys. 

Class: O____o

Anyway, then I looked on my schedule and for my U.S History teacher HIS NAME IS STEVE OMG HELP

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