Legolas' Eternal Fabulousness

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So @AryaMiriel and I were talking about Legolas' fabulousness. 

And she wondered, well, if he is already fabber than fab, how fabulous is he in battle?

Well, we decided that Legolas was so fab in battle that he shed golden sparkles everywhere. Everywhere! And that is how he located his arrows after the battle had drawn to a close. Without further ado...Here is a demonstration of the Fabness (is that even a word?) of Legolas.

Gimli: *wipes axe on dead person* Uh, that was exhausting! I could use an ale. 

Aragorn: Me too! *walks around battlefield trying to look productive*

Gimli: Where's the elf lad?

Aragorn: Who, Legolas?

Gimli: Mm-hm. Wait, what's that? *points to floor*

Aragorn: Are those...sparkles?

Gimli: This is weird....I must investagate! *cue Sherlock music*

Aragorn: So must I! *follows Gimli*


Legolas: *searching for his arrows* Oh, here's one! *picks it up, gold sparkles fly everywhere*

Ugh, I'm shedding again :( *accidentally touches dead Orc* OH VALAR NO ORC BLOOD...*1000000000 sparkles attatch themselves to the blood on his hand* This is never going to come off....*dramatic sigh*

Aragorn: ...Legolas? *looks concerned*

Legolas: Wha-Oh, hi Aragorn. 

Aragorn: What is going on????

Legolas: I'm so fabulous I make my own sparkles! (QUOTE OF THE DAY GUYS)

Aragorn: Wow, that's...severe?

Legolas: I was alwas used to being fabulous....but this is too much. How can I be that fabulous?? 

Aragorn: *sympathetically* It's alright, Leggy, it'll be okay... *hugs him*

Legolas: ...........sorry.....

Aragorn: About what....? *looks down at shirt* Legolas! All my men will make fun of me! I can't go around sparkling like some kind of luminescent unicorn swag party!

Gimli: *finally catching up to Aragorn* A what???

Aragorn: Never mind.....

Poor Legolas, having to cope with too much fabulousness.....xD

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