Yesterday I was out driving, and I experienced two of the most beautiful things I have seen all year.
It had been raining, and though the sky was slate-grey, the mountains shone with the light of the sun, which was peering through the veil of clouds. The fields were green, and as it is summer here they shone with life. Then, in the sky, I saw a rainbow, but 'twas no ordinary rainbow. It was the whole arch, soaring into the sky until it hurt to look at it, a perfect semi-circle of prismatic color. And then, I noticed something. Following the curve downward, it blended into a brilliant mist of hues. The end of the rainbow. I have always wanted to see the end of a rainbow, for the legend, but for the wonder, and yesterday, I saw it. It was the most amazing feeling, being able to marvel at the rainbow's end until it faded, like a ghost, as if I was the only one meant to see it.
Continuing the damp road, I stopped as the truck in front of me did. Craning my neck to see why he was stopped in the middle of the road, I saw a family of odd-looking birds. Wild turkeys, I thought. But they came closer, trailing their majestic feathers just above the ground, heads shining with pearlescent royal blue. It was a family of peacocks, strutting around importantly like pompous politicians. They peered at me interestedly, then continued until they reached a weathered wooden fence, which they promptly scaled and dissapeared.
Today, I found out from one of my good friend's good friends that her good friend lives there, and they have a peacock farm :) I felt so lucky that I was able to witness two totally unlikely events just minutes apart, and it was one of those times that you feel fortunate to witness some of the Earth's wonders.
Thanks for reading :)
The Item of Many Items
RandomOh, goodness. You must be truly desperate to come to me for help. But, if this is what you seek, so be it. Watch out, for great complex puzzles lie in ambush. I actually don't know where I'm going with this, but to put it simply, welcome to my book...