Who can you rely on?

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Zadie POV

School was finally almost over and all I had to do was get through Math class. Mrs. Winters was talking our ears off about non sense, but I couldn't pay attention I was to fidgety about try outs. If I didn't make varsity that meant that I didn't train hard enough and that means I'm not focused.

"Aye" I heard Tristen whisper. I looked over and his eyebrows were scrunched at me

"Chill out, you'll be fine. You gonna break ya damn knee the way you shaking it into the ground right now."

"I'm sorry I'm just nervous. Try outs is in less then two hours." I said shaking my head.

"Excuse me Zadie am I boring you with my discussion?" Mrs. Winters asked

"No ma'am." I said

"Now like I was saying I expect your first drafts on your project by next Friday no excuses." Mrs. Winters said and then the bell rang and we all started to leave class. Tristen walked out and I waited for Amie.

"Hey are you coming to tryouts?" She asked

"Of course." We walked out and saw Tristen and Alijah in deep conversation.

"I want to do some warm up and stretches before try outs, coming?" She asked

We walked out and headed to the outdoor track. Amie was telling me about her and Sean and how she thinks she's into him, and that he's not like a typical L5 guy.

"Girl just be careful, those girls are overprotective of there men." I said. I never told Amie about what happened with Lisa and Shannon mainly because I didn't want to make her freak out like I knew she would have. She already freaks out anytime an L5 girl comes near her that would have jut made her even more scared.

"There was an L5 girl at the trip and she was just staring at me and Sean like we was something to watch on T.V. It was so annoying but he didn't care so I didn't bother caring either."

"Your not afraid of what people think about him?" I asked

"Why would I care. I'm the one crushing on him not everyone else. You the only one who care what people think. I could care less, the only one effecting my happiness is me." Amie said.

"You right."

"Speaking of happiness there's Rolland right there." She said pointing at Rolland walk with his soccer team to the field.

He walked up to me and pecked me on my lips. "Coming to my game...Right" He asked narrowing his eyes at me.

"Yeah I'll be there. Maybe a few minutes late but.." he walked away from me and didn't let me finish.

"Bae Wait." I said "ill be there just let me try out and then I'll run right over."

He turned to me and locked his hand with me. "What have we talked about with that word Zadie?" He asked low so only I could hear him.

I sighed and looked down. I looked around and saw that we had an audience of some of the soccer players from last year and some of the newbies. Amie was there too but mainly on her phone, giving us a little privacy. "Come here please." I said and pulled him away from our audience.

"I promise I will be there Rolland okay this is just important to me." I said

"Important?! Zadie I have Scott's from colleges coming to see me and a photo shoot after the game with MLS magazine for the next top pick out of college. It's a full spread page on just me. This is more important then some little high school track and field. I'm going places with this Zadie and if you don't wanna be there then I suggest you get out of my way." He said and started walking away.

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