Hear me out

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When I got to the parking lot, I looked around for Zadie's car. It was gone, she must have peeled out of her faster then I thought.

I got to mine and figured she must be going home and I went to her house. Once I got there I saw her car was outside and parked behind it.

I knocked on the door and rang the door bell, but no one was answering. I knocked a few more times before giving up. I paced back and forth on the front step and decided to try the back entrance.

Once I went around and got to back, I tried the door knob and it was locked. I looked around for a way in and of course there wasn't. I threw my hands up in frustration. How am I gonna get inside.

I walked back around to the other side and banged on the door again, nothing. I looked around to see if there was a window or something open for me to climb through, or at least something for me wedge open.

Nothing again. I grabbed up my phone and decided to call her and just see if that works. Once I did she answered the third time I called her.

"What do you want Tristen" she asked

"God dammit Zadie open the door. I've been downstairs knocking and banging for the past thirty minutes." I said

"I don't wanna see you." She said

"It's either you come down here and open the door or I swear I'll be on your ass all night until you open the door. And I can be annoying, so I won't go away." I said

She deep sighed and got up to come downstairs. Once she unlocked the door I went inside behind her.

"Zadie, I think you need to look at the bigger picture here." I said

"How Tristen? My ex exposed my sister to the world, now everyone knows her secret." She said

"Knows her secret? Or yours?" I asked

"What do you mean? Hers. It's her secret it's her business not mine." She said

"So if it's her business then why are you the one acting like you got exposed??" I asked

"Because she's my little sister. She can't speak up and defend herself so I'm gonna do it. It's not like she can go to school and tell Rolland to go fuck off and stand up for herself. So I have to do it." She said

"Exactly. She can't go to the school. No one is gonna come here from school and pick on Faye, and no one is gonna find her on any social media page because she doesn't have one." I said

"She's not even on mine." She said

"For someone who isn't ashamed and for someone who isn't scared for people to know about their sister you sure don't post her or talk about her that much." I said

She didn't respond, she just kind of stood there looking dazed.

"Your treating Faye the exact way that you didn't want other people too. You don't post her, you don't talk about her with people. You act like she don't exist outside of this house. If you really wanna be honest, your the one hiding her the most." I said

"How am I doing that Tristen?" She asked sounding annoyed.

"You don't take her out, your parents do. You don't take her to the movies, the park, the gas station, but your parents do. You don't post her on social media or tell anyone about her outside of your close friends, but your parents friends know about Faye's condition why don't the kids at school know? If your so unashamed?" I said

"I'm not ashamed I just wanted to protect her." She said

"By treating her like she's not human?" I asked

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