The Joker

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Tristen Cont...

Once I finished helping Aiden with his paper corrections I was able to focus all my attention on Zadie. I went into Aiden and I's room and laid on my bed to call her back, but the Facetime just rang.

Once she didn't answer I put my phone down and took a quick shower and let my apple music play in the bathroom. I heard my music stop and I heard my facetime ringtone ring.  I looked down and saw that it was Zadie calling me back. I swiped to answer and continued to dry off.

Once I answered I saw her face she looked down. "What's wrong?" I asked

"Uh you have no shirt on." She said

"You never seen a dude naked before?" I asked.

"no" she snapped

"Wait ain't you and Rolland had sex before?" I said

"Yes but it's always with the lights off and we were under covers and we take separate showers afterwards." She said

"Wow what an amazing sex life." I said sarcastically.

"It is." She said proudly

"How many times does he make you cum?" I asked

"Excuse you?" She asked looking up at the screen, and then away realizing I still didn't have a shirt on.

"Does he make you cum?" I asked

"Yes, of course he does." She said

"Right. Okay." I said and finally put my t-shirt on.

"How about you? Since we're asking personal questions" She said

"No, Rolland does not make me cum." I said walking into my room.

"Ha" came from the background on Zadie end. "Shut up Amie." She said laughing

"We have a just fine sex life, don't worry your little head about it." Zadie said

"I won't don't worry." I said and laid down.

"So how are you and old boy doing?" I asked

"We're okay. I mean we have been a little distant but that comes naturally with relationships right?" She asked but more as a statement.

"Why is that?" I asked

"I have no idea to be honest. We've just been very indifferent ever since he got back from soccer camp this summer. I feel like he's just a different person than last school year." Zadie said

"Well, he probably is. People do change Zadie." I said

"They change, but if you love someone and mean all the stuff you say to them then you don't change for the worse. Especially when that someone supports you, adores you, irons your soccer socks, does so much for you and then you just turn around and treat them like there some annoying fan." Zadie said

When she said fan, that reminded me of the cheating. "I gotta ask you something." I said


"Would you leave him if you had to?"

"Well yeah, I'm not staying with someone who doesn't deserve me or mistreats me. But like you said, he is changing and he is different so maybe I just need some time to adjust to his new attitude." She said

"How much did you two talk over the summer?"

"Well, in the beginning all the time, towards the middle, not so often. He was always busy, and at practice and traveling, I didn't wanna bother him." She said and flopped her body down on her bed, aiming the phone above her upper body.

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