Roll with it

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We was all riding down the elevator in silence. No one really talked since we left the room. Once we got off the elevator Sean's phone rang, then Alijahs, then mine.

We all looked at our phones and knew what was up. "We gotta go." Alijah said

I nodded. Sean said something to Amie before walking out with us. "Ayo I'll meet y'all there." Sean said

I nodded and me and Alijah got in my car. I drove him to his and we drove separately to the house. Once we got there the rest of the squad was there.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Yuri called us, claimed it was important." Tazz said

"What was important is the ass I was getting from his Dominican bitch....Yuri could have waited." Hurricane said

Just then the door opened this joker and his clowns walked in. "Nice to see all of y'all." He said and sat down. "Now let's down to business"

"What we here for?" Rodney asked

"Because I told y'all to be here that's why. You all are my top team. That means that I rely on you fouls to make shit happen for me."

He pulled a cigar from his pocket and one of his clowns lit it. "I have a project for y'all." He said

"What is it?" Tazz asked

"And more importantly are we getting paid for it?" Hurricane said

"You'll be compensated." Yuri said

"Why does compensated not sound like paid when it's you saying it." I said

"You'll get paid, Aight!" Yuri screamed.

"Now the mission is to get in and out of this building. Without fucking it up, and without getting caught." He said and his clown held up the tablet with a picture of the building.

"Okay what we going in there for?" I asked

"It is some kind of brain drug that is about to hit the market in a few months. We were hired by a very important person who wants to get ahead of this drug business. He's paying me one mil to get this job done right, so y'all better not fuck this up." Yuri said

"So he paying you one mil? How much does that mean for all six of us?" Rodney asked

"That means y'all get ten thousand if y'all pull this off properly. Now this mission will happen on Saturday, So be at the warehouse at 8pm. I will give you your instructions then and you'll move in that night." Yuri said

"Y'all dismissed." Yuri said and got up to leave.

We all got up to leave to. Once we got outside Alijah stopped at his car which was next to mine and looked at me. "Ayo, I have a serious question bro." He said

"What's good?" I asked

"Faye identified Lisa and Shannon as two of the people who hurt her. What are we gonna do? We can't touch her. L5 don't touch family." Alijah said

"I don't know man, but we gotta do something about it. She attacked an innocent girl in a wheelchair, we can't just let that slide." I said

"We aint going to Yuri with this." Alijah said

"Nah we aint. But we have to handle this man. She did too much, she hurt an innocent person. This aint got nothing to do with L5 at this point. This is about what's right is right, and what's wrong is wrong." I said

"You right man. Why would Lisa even do some shit like that with Rolland? Out of all people? I just don't get it. Honestly." Alijah said

"Man I don't know. I need to rest my head honestly. To much has gone on today." I said

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