...Let Her Go

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We sat and waited in Dr. Anderson's office waiting for him to come back. After they took Faye into the hospital on a stretcher he followed them, and told me to wait here. Alijah and Sean was here no one really knowing what to say.

"I gotta ask. What's your connection with Faye?" Sean asked Alijah

"My mom got pregnant a few years back by some random guy, or by someone she claimed she didn't know. She had the baby but when it was born it had a birth defect or some kind of disability. The doctor said that if the baby girl lived, shed be in constant pain and need a breathing tube most of her life. My mom made the decision to end her life, not even thinking about the fact that maybe the kid could fight or have a chance at a normal life. I guess Faye just reminded me of her, my little sister." Alijah said

Sean nodded his head and just sat there for a moment. We heard some loud yelling coming towards the office and when we looked up we saw Mr. and Mrs. Anderson walking into the office. "YOU!" Mrs. Anderson screamed

"This isn't my fault." I stood and said

"Now everyone just keep a cool head, lets sit down." Mr. Anderson said gesturing for his wife sit down.

"This isn't Tristen's fault." Mr. Anderson said

"So then whose fault is it?" Mrs. Anderson asked

"Mines." Mr. Anderson said

"What?" I said

"Yuri and Leon came to me a few weeks ago and threatened for me to be on board with some mind control non sense. I said no and declined. That's why I thought you started coming around Tristen, because I knew you were L5."

"Your in the L5!!? You little piece of shit." Mrs. Anderson screamed

"Damn it charlotte. Sit down and fucking listen." Mr. Anderson said

"I did about two hundred procedures for them, but then I started to refuse. They had me tapping a list of the people I implanted to the bottom of a bench in Roller park. When they didn't get their list a few weeks ago they came and said that they'd hurt our daughters if I didn't continue, so I did. But I guess they still killed Faye in punishment for not listening." Mr. Anderson said whipping his face.

I cleared my throat and looked at Alijah, he nodded his head and I looked back at Mr. Anderson. "I'm afraid it may be deeper then just that Mr. Anderson." I said

"What do you mean?" He asked

"I have reason to believe they killed Faye to hurt Zadie more then you." I said

"Why would they do that?" He asked

"Zadie killed Rolland..."I said

"What?? Why??" He asked

"Oh my God." Mrs. Anderson said putting her hand over her mouth.

"Rolland's real name was Peter Roth, he was the son of Leon Roth, the leader of Bk9. He was told to be in a relationship with Zadie to get closer to you and to keep his cover in school, so that no one would question his movements." I explained

"So they killed Faye because Zadie killed Rolland or Peter, whatever his name was." Mr. Anderson said

"Where is Zadie?" Mrs. Anderson asked

"Yuri took her from your home about half an hour ago after Yuri killed Faye's nanny." I said

"My God. I'm calling the police." Mrs. Anderson said

"No Charlotte, these people have cops who work for them. Calling the cops is just going to make things worse." Mr. Anderson said

"Well what exactly do you expect us to do? Let these kids help her?" Mrs. Anderson asked

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