Watch Me

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Merry Christmas everyone 🎁


I was sitting in the club bored as fuck. Me and Amie was sitting at the same table just scrolling on our phones, while our parents chuckled up a storm with a bunch of other rich people who didn't really like each other.

I stopped scrolling once I realized I've already seen half of these posts on IG. I sighed and put my phone on the table looking around the club.

I rolled my eyes once I saw Rolland and his parents walking towards my parents. His parents caught sight of me and waved. I waved back and gave a short smile.

Amie caught me waving and looked over her shoulder to see who I was waving at. "God what a dick. I'm sure his parents don't know y'all broke up." She said

"Mine know now since Faye went to the Police." I said

"God, this about to be a shit show." Amie said and leaned back in her chair.

"This is so boring I honestly just wanna leave." I said

"So do I, I wish the boys was around. I miss they big headed asses." Amie said

"Same." I agreed. Ever since i broke up with Rolland it seems like Alijah, Sean and Tristen are our main crew. They're always with us and we're all always doing stuff together. If you would have told me in the beginning of the school year one of my closest friends or even two of my closest friends would be in a gang, I would have laughed in your face.

Or if someone would have told me that I would broke up with Rolland I would have shunned them for thinking such a ridiculous thing. Now it's a little different because now I can't think of going back to that life.

Being with Rolland just seemed so scripted like someone wrote out my life for me and I had to follow their rules and their script. I'm glad my life is changing for the better now but at the same time I just want things to be easy.

I looked up and Rolland was staring at me. I rolled my eyes and him and looked around the room like something was interesting to me. But when I was looking around I caught eye of someone standing on the side near the bathroom entrances. I slanted my eyes and realized it was Alijah. "Oh god." I said aloud.

"What's wrong" Amie asked

"Alijah is here.." I whispered

"Girl why are you whispering? It ain't like anyone in here knows who Alijah is." Amie said

"Now where is he?" She asked

"Over there. By the bathroom." I said and gestures with my head.

We both got up and walked over to him. "How chu doing ladies?" He asked

"Alijah what is ya crazy ass doing here?" Amie asked

"And where's Sean and Tristen cause I know they close by." I added

"We have a plan." He pulled out a watch from
His back pocket. "We gotta find a way to put this on Rolland." Alijah said.

"What why?" Amie asked

"We think he's more involved then we know." He answered

"Why do I feel like a lot of the part with Rolland has to do with me." I said

"It does." He said

I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Fine what do I have to do?" I asked

"Just simply go and get that one watch off his wrist. And switch it out for this one." He said and handed me the watch.

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