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It has been three days since the shit happened with Lisa and the L5. So far none of the guys really look at me and all of the girls roll their eyes at me.

I knew Lisa was dead now and I honestly felt bad. She was only seventeen and no one deserved to be killed at a young age like that. I asked Tristen to promise me that he wouldn't kill someone that young again. He didn't promise me but he said he would avoid it as much as possible.

"Halloween is tomorrow." Amie said to me while we was having lunch.

"I know I'm excited." I said

"And we got the party at the country club to go to. So what costumes you gonna wear?" She asked

"For the school thing I'm gonna be a pirate and then for the club I'm gonna be Pocahontas." I said eating my fruit bowl.

"Yess bitch! I don't know what imma do to be honest. I didn't buy a costume so I might just throw some of my clothes on and call it a day." Amie said

"Girl do it. You damn near got a whole mall in your room anyway." I said

"Right. Right." She said

"So big question is. You ready for Tiffany to come today?" I asked

"Ugh why u had to mention her annoying ass." Amie said leaning back from her food.

"I just wanna know where ya head at." I said putting my hands up in defense.

"Girl no I ain't ready for tornado tiff. She's the most annoying person in the world to me. She's worse then Alijah." Amie said

"Maybe you should hook them up."

"Uh yeah I'll hook them up when birds fly out my ass singing the national fucking anthem. Alijah might be annoying but I would never do that too him. He's still the big brother I never wanted." Amie said

"That's true. What time is she getting here?" I asked

"My dad is picking her up at one so she'll be home when I get there."

"you want me there for emotional support?" I asked

"Bitch you was already coming. I don't know what your talking about."

I shook my head at her just laughing. "So bigger question is, How are you and Tristen doing?"

"We're good, you know I'm not mad at him for what happened and of course I don't blame him. I think I'm just a little rattled." I said

"Has anyone given you problems about what happened?"

"No. The most I've gotten is some stares and some side eyes but other then that no one's said anything to me." I said

"Ass hats."

"I know but I'm not letting it bother me." I said

"Don't let them see you hurt. Cause people feed on that weak shit." Amie said

I nodded my head at her because she was right. What if me and Tristen didn't show that we were weak to one another? Would that be the same as saying that we don't care about what happens to each other? I know Tristen cares about me, and that's not something I need to question but at the same time people shouldn't know how hurt they can make us feel just by hurting us one time.

All of a sudden I jumped back when Milk started to pour on me and Amie's table. It began to spill off the sides of the table and when I looked up to see who was causing it, I saw it was Shannon.

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