One wish

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I was sitting in Math class just doodling on my notebook awaiting for Tristen to walk through the door.

I had so much anxiety going through me that I didn't know what to do with myself. I hope that he wasn't going to be mad at me for my decision or for what I said.

He walked in the class room and looked right at me. "Zadie we need to talk." He said and sat down

"Yes we do."

"You ain't going to meet up with Rolland" Tristen said to me.

"What, how did you know that?" I asked

"I know everything" He said and I quickly rolled my eyes at him.

"Amie told you didn't she?" I asked

"Even if she did that means that I know everything soooo. Like I said you're not meeting up with Rolland." He said

"I have to if we have find out if he's lying or not." I said

"Not by setting you up with the Rolland to have a private sit down, we'll find a different way." He said

"Like Alijah said I'm the only one amongst us that he'll even come close to admitting something too." I said

Tristen took a deep sigh and shook his head. "Man, Listen Zadie I don't want him to hurt you alright?" Tristen said

"If he even tries to hurt me you'll be right there to keep me safe right?" I said

He nodded his head and smiled at me. "I'm sorry for what I said this weekend." Tristen said

"It's okay. I'm sorry for keeping you a secret, you don't deserve to be treated like that." I said

"I heard what you did...Was that for me or for you?" Tristen asked

"For us. I don't want you to think that I want to keep you in the dark, I was just afraid of..."

"I know of whatever your mom will say, I get it." He said cutting me off.

"What if we just keep the gang part a secret from her?" I asked

"Sounds like a great plan." I said

"So are we back together.?" I asked

"We never broke up, I just said let me know when you change basically." He said

"It sounded and seemed a little breakup ish to me." I said

Mrs. Winters cleared her throat as she walked into room so that we all gave her our attention.

One week later...


"Make sure you keep up with her." I said

We was driving behind Zadie Anderson after she left out of the parking lot from her school. After Lisa showed me her picture I didn't take nothing she said seriously. Giving her dumbass demands was never going to happen. But once I saw Zadie Anderson walk into that hospital room to get Dana out of there, I knew she meant something to them.

She really acted like she had a baby and all that. She must care about Tristen or else she'd never would have done all of that.

We followed a few cars behind her as she pulled onto flash lane. Shorty must be rich to live up here.

She pulled into her house and Malik parked in front of a house a few doors down. I watched her walk into her house and lock her Cadillac. She closed the door and she was out of sight.

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