Take my hand, Don't let go

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When I woke up, I was still on FaceTime with Tristen, but my phone was burning.

I had ten missed calls from Rolland. I swiped it out my notifications and started to get up from my bed. I noticed I didn't hear Tristen sleeping so I picked up my phone and carried it with me into my bathroom.

I brushed my teeth and did my facial stuff and headed back into my room to get dressed. I heard Tristen moving around on the FaceTime
call and aimed it towards me so that he can see me.

"Hey, your awake." He said

"Yeah just about to throw something on real quick. Or do I need to dress a certain way for where ever we going?"

"Nah where whatever you want it don't matter." He said

"Alright, so then I should be ready in like twenty minutes then."

"Okay, imma see you then, I'll call when I'm outside." He said. I agreed and we hung up.

I finished getting dressed just wearing some plain jeans and a black t-shirt. I checked the weather and grabbed some sneakers out my closest and slid them on. I grabbed a jacket just in case and walked downstairs.

Everyone was still asleep but Faye's caretaker Mrs. Loom was in the kitchen reading the newspaper. Tristen texted me that he was outside, so I waved bye to her and left.

Once I got in Tristen's car I noticed he had on a
pair or dark denim Levi's, a grey champion hoodie and grey Nike's. He looked cute and comfy, not special or spectacular just regular and I was liking it. "You look nice." He said

"So do you." I commented

"Thank you." He said and pulled off.

He got on the highway and just started driving. "Uh where are we going?" I asked

"Somewhere I like to go when I just need to clear my head and get away for the bullshit in Atlanta." He said

"And that is?"

"You'll see why and where when we get there." He said. I didn't protest and just sat back and relaxed. Sitting in the car with him in silence didn't feel weird. It didn't feel like I had to talk to him to make me not feel awkward, it just felt comfortable. Like we didn't need to speak or have a conversation to be in the car together, but that ya just being here was comfortable.

We finally pulled up to our destination and I followed him inside. When we walked in, I saw we was in a music store with a bunch of pianos in it. He walked up to the guy, said hello and gave him a twenty.

"What are you doing?"

"My dad taught me how to play the piano, it was something we did together when I was younger." He said

"You know how to play?" I asked

"A little something something." He said and put up another sheet of music in front of him.

He patted the sit next to him and I sat down with my bag on the floor. "Fur Elise?" I asked

"Yeah this was our favorite to play together." He said.

He placed his hands on the piano and started playing the song. His hands graced over the piano so fast but smoothly at the same time. I couldn't stop watching his hand as they touched the teeth of the piano and he played the song.

I looked up at his face and saw he was a little sad but focused. I never wondered this before but I wonder how he feels about his dad being in jail. Does he miss him? how is his mom holding up?  I guess I'll wonder about that later, I just want to enjoy him playing this beautiful song.

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