May I?

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This bum ass nigga Rolland stood in front of the car looking all types of biter.

"I wanted to spend time with you, you complaining all this time about us spending time together and I come here to find you all over this hoodlum. Man you really must have lost your damn mind, get in the fucking car." He said to Zadie.

"You must have lost your mind to speak to me like that." Zadie said

"Oh have I? You really think that this bum ass poor bitch can compare to me. I speak like this to you all the time don't act up now before I cause a scene." Rolland asked Zadie referring to me.

I leaned against my car cause this argument, ain't mine.

"Rolland since you came back you've been rude, disrespectful, and distant. We're not the same. Your not the man I loved last summer. And let's be clear there is no this, were just friends."

"Zadie people grow up! People change. You expect me to be the same puppy dog heart eyed guy I was last summer, when this summer I have EVERYTHING to lose!!" Rolland said

"You have me to lose too." Zadie said

"Your not as important as this is Zadie. Soccer is my guaranteed future you aren't as of rn. You think that you have to be the most important thing in my life to prove that I care about you and that's not true. I care about you enough, to be with you." Rolland said

I chuckled a little at Rolland's response remembering that I saw him all over another girl barely a week ago.

"You got something to say scum?" Rolland asked me

"Man keep me out this." I said

"You keep putting yourself in it. Why you keep coming around my girl? You got girls wanting to fuck u, but keep coming around mine." Rolland said

"And?" I asked

"And, you need to stay away from her." Rolland said

"I'll do it when she tell me to." I said

"Alright I can speak for myself. Rolland, he's a friend I can hangout with him if I want to, your not my parent." Zadie said

"And what if your parents knew you hung out with this hoodlum? What would your mother say?" Rolland asked Zadie. I could see her eyes wondering and getting some form of emotion on her face.

"Exactly, do not act like you could ever take this thug home over me. I am the best you've ever had" Rolland said


"Now get in the car, I'll drive you home and we can discuss your intolerable attitude." Rolland said

He grabbed Zadie's arm and started guiding her to the car. I looked at her and she held her head down, but he stared at me the whole time while dragging her to the car.

I leaned off mine and watched him open the passenger door for her to get in, but she stopped and made eye contact with me. She gave me a weak smile and then started to get into the car.

"Zadie, he lied to you." I said not meaning to say it aloud.

She looked up at me. "What?"

"He lied, he's full of shit." I said

"Tristen, watch what you say." Rolland said

"He's cheating on you, I saw him." I said

"What? When?" Zadie asked and pushed Rolland away from her.

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