Party Time

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I walked out the class and my eyes followed the princess. She was walking with her friend Amie and they were moving fast out of the building. 

I heard someone yell my name and it made me stop and turn around to see it was Alijah. I waited for him at the door and dapped him when he got too me. "What up bro?" I said once he reached me

"Nothing glad school finally done with. So you going to the house after work?" He asked.

"Nah man I gotta bring my little brothers home and get they homework done, I might swing by later though." I said and we headed out the building

"Oh right right you playing daddy right now I forgot. But you coming to the party tonight right?" Alijah asked.

"What party man?" I asked

"you aint heard? Yori one of the OG's just came out of jail this morning. He back in charge now and Lindo is stepping down." Alijah explained.

"Oh word, alright. So yeah I'll be at that then. Just link me with the address." I said and dapped him up.

I got to my car and realized Aiden wasn't there yet. I sucked my teeth and knew this little dude didn't take me seriously when I said to be here  by a certain time.

I got in the car and started it. I pulled out of the parking spot and headed to the front of the school, where I knew he would see me when he came out. I was giving him five minutes before I went back into the school and embarrassed his ass if I found him.

I waited there for another five minutes and just when I went to get out I saw him walk out of the school. He was holding some little Spanish girls books and they was talking. I peeped as my little brother put out his little game that he had an smiled like a proud older brother. She wrote down what I assumed was her phone number on his arm, and he handed her back her books. He gave her a quick smile and kissed him on his cheek before running off to the car that was parked waiting for her.

He watched as she walked away and checked her out until she was in the car. BEEP BEEP. I honked the horn at him to knock him out his trance he seemed to be in. "Ayo you ready to go or no? Cause I got shit to do man." I screamed from the car.

He rolled his eyes and walked over to the car. "Man don't be embarrassing me like that. Kayla may have seen. Shorty think I got my own ride." Aiden said and got in the car.

"HA." I blurted out. "At fifteen? oh you must be balling then huh little thug? I asked cracking up. I pulled away from the curb and headed to the other school.

"I can be, shoot there's kids in L5 that's younger then me bringing home a stack or two a week, why can't I do that?" He asked.

I got to the stop light and put my car in park. "Ayo listen Aiden, I don't ever wanna see you in the L5, you have more then enough protection with dad being in it and now I'm in it. I don't wanna ever hear that your even hanging out with them alright. I want you to go to college and make something of yourself. I want you to make it out of here, find yourself a wife, have some kids and make a big house for yourself. I want the best for you and L5 is not it. You understand me?" I said.

"Yeah I understand bro. But why do you want that for me and you can't have that for yourself?" Aiden asked looking down.

A car horn honked me and I looked back at the rode. I drove until we pulled up at the school. "Go get them please." I asked

Aiden got up and headed out the door and got our brothers from inside the school. I don't know how to answer the question that he had asked me cause honestly I just never thought to make something of myself. 

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