Saturday pt 1

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Saturday came and Amie was still at my house. I walked over to her asleep on my pull out sofa bed and she was still on FaceTime with Sean, but they was both knocked.

I smiled and walked into my bathroom to do my hygiene. I caught myself in the mirror and stared at myself. I tried to put on a smile and acknowledge the fact that I had good features and teeth, but I was still unhappy.

I needed a change. Something different, a new look, a new attitude, possibly  a whole new personality, or maybe not a new one or my true personality. I didn't want to change I just wanted to be myself. I don't want to seem perfect anymore, I just wanted to be myself. Only Amie has seen my true self and she accepted me so why did I think other people wouldn't? And what person who truly loved me and cared about my feelings wouldn't still love me after I show my true self?

"Zadie, are you awake?" My mom asked knocking on the door. I rolled my eyes and turned on the shower and locked the bathroom door. I didn't want to speak to her, it's to early to be knick-picked at and I was in no mood. I heard her walk into my room and take a few steps around it.

I heard her move a few things and walk closer to the bathroom door. She knocked on the door and I didn't answer. "Zadie are you almost done in the shower?" She asked

I looked at the door just staring at it. "Zadie" She said again and tried to unlock the door. "Zadie, no locked doors in this house!" She said

"Mom, I'm washing my hair can you just give me a minute please. Jesus" I said

"We'll don't forget to get your hair redone. The ends are starting to look tacky." She said

I rolled my eyes even harder and took a deep breath. I opened one of the draws in my vanity and took out a pair of scissors. I look at my hair once more and got tired of it, starting today I am going to be different. I'm sick of people telling me what to do and criticizing me continuously. I tired of people thinking I'm weak and I can be bossed around like I'm a child.

I needed something different, I needed to have a new start. In one swipe I cut half of my hair off. And let the random strands fall all over the floor. I cut that length in half as well and did the same to the other side. I kept making slight cuts until both sides were even to my eyes. I finally got in the shower and did my hygiene, after I was done I stood there hugging myself letting the steam and warm water wash over me.

I let the negative thoughts take over my mind for a few more minutes until I heard my phone ringing and I turned off the shower. I dried off and tried to step over the hair that was scattered around the floor.

I got out the bathroom and saw Amie was still asleep. I grabbed my phone off the bed and saw who called me, and called him back.


"What are you up to?" Rolland asked

"getting dressed to go with Amie, I told you I was hanging out with her all day." I said

"Well ditch her, I got us tickets to a soccer game front row, we leave at eight o clock and well be back tomorrow. I also got us a hotel room for us to sleep in overnight." He said

"I can't I already told her I'd hang out with her and she's already at my house right now, dressed and ready for us to go." I said. I looked over at her and she was snoring loudly, I'm surprised he couldn't hear her through the phone.

"You always complaining that we don't hang out together and that our spark is gone, but yet I'm trying to fix it and your blowing me off for some little thot." He said

"She is NOT a THOT. I know you don't like her but it's ugly of you to sit around and call a woman a thot. That's not attractive at all. You should really listen to yourself sometimes."

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