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Once I sat down for math class I dreaded looking at my test. I know I failed, I didn't pay attention when she was teaching the last class so there's no way I passed. Especially I guessed on more than half of them.

"Here you go Zadie." Mrs. Winters said and put down my test in front of me. I looked down at it and flipped it over. I feared the red mark on the top of the paper but almost yelled out when I saw an A at the top of the page.

"Tristen, see me after class please" She said and put his test down. I looked over and saw an F at the top of his page. I also saw the handwriting and the purple pen that I used the day of the test, that was mine.

"Psstt, Tristen." I whispered

"why you whispering she all the way on the over side of the room right now." He said

I looked over and saw that she was by Amie right now. "Oh, sorry. Uhm, did you switch our tests?" I asked stating the obvious.

"Don't worry about it." He said

"But Tristen, you got every answer right. Why wouldn't you want the credit?" I asked

"You seem like you got a harder home life than me. My mom will bust me for an F but not as hard as your mom would bust you for an F, I don't wanna see you go through that." He said and folded up the test and put it in his back pocket.

We continued with class without really talking to each other. After it was done, Tristen had to stay after to talk to Mrs. Winters and I met Amie outside the door. We didn't have practice today so me and her was just going to hang out at her house.

"So Rolland came over last night." I said

"Ugh what did he want" She asked. It was no secret that Amie and Rolland were not fans of each other. Amie think that Rolland and I are never going to have a happy fairy tail future like I picture in my head, and Rolland thinks that Amie is just going to lead me down a bad path and make me some kind of hoe or slut or something. Which was never going to happen.

"He called himself wanting to hangout but we didn't hangout. I had homework and I was with Faye, but he didn't wanna be around her. So he went downstairs in the basement and watched old videos of himself playing soccer." I said and we continued walking out the school.

"But wait I don't understand, What's his deal with Faye?" Amie asked

"He feels really uncomfortable around her, even at dinner he wont sit near her or in direct view of her either. It's really annoying." I said. We both sat down on the grass that over looks the soccer field.

"I think he's just not good for you anymore. In the beginning he was great, the perfect guy for you, but now he seems like he's just the perfect guy for himself." Amie said

I looked down at the field that no one was on and let my mind just space out for a few moments. "Oh ya and that's not all I have to tell you." I said "When I went downstairs to check on him, while he was watching himself, some girl jumped on his back and kissed his cheek after he scored the winning goal."

"Whoa whoa hold up." Amie said waving her hands around. "What do you mean? Like as if they were a thing?" She asked

"Yes girl!" I said and she shook her head.

"Zadie, I didn't wanna tell you this before but, I think Rolland cheated on you over the summer." Amie said not looking at me.

"I think the same thing to be honest, But why do you think that?" I asked

"Because, of this" Amie said and pulled out her phone and pulled up a picture of the whole soccer team and a game they played. It must have been an away game or something because they had on different uniforms then the video that I saw yesterday on YouTube.

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