Hear no evil

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I was in my social studies class watching some history shit when my phone vibrated.

I looked at it and it was a text from Yuri. "Come to the spot ASAP!" He typed.

I looked up to make sure the teacher wasn't watching me and texted the group to go to the house.

Once class was over Alijah and Hurricane met me at the doors. "When we going now or after school?" Hurricane asked

"After school" Alijah said.

"Aight I'll meet you after then." The day went on and I got to math.

Zadie walked in with her head down and her eyes looking slightly baggy, but covered with makeup.

"What's wrong." I asked as she took her seat.

"Just had a long night." She said and forced a smile. I nodded not pressing the issue.

"Alright everyone pop quiz today." Mrs. winters said and walked in. She passed out the tests and everyone moaned and groaned as she walked around the room.

Zadie looked stressed as she looked down at her test. I looked down at her test and back to her. "Mr. Cole pay attention to your own test!" Mrs. Winters said.

I did as told and worked on my test. Once I was done I looked up and saw Mrs. winters in some papers grading other stuff. I peeped over at Zadie and she hadn't filled out one answer. I shook my head and leaned up.

"Pencils down in one minute finish your answers and leave your test on your desk face down!" Mrs winters said

Zadie started scribbling on her test in a rush and I just placed my test face down.


Once math was done I decided to see if Sean wanted to hangout. We started to walk out and he waved at me before he was about to leave. "Wait" I said

He turned back to me and walked closer "wassup?" He asked

"Would you like to hangout sometime?" I asked

He gave me a smile "sure what do you wanna do?" He asked

"What do you like to do?" I asked

"Anything to be honest." He answered now leaning against the lockers. I walked up on him and now we had no spaces in between us.

"What about trampling into the lake?" I asked

"That sounds like mad fun. When?" He asked

"This Saturday? At my house?" I asked

"Uh..ha...I don't think ya people want me around your house." He said

"No one will be home. They have a wedding to go to this weekend and I'll have the house to myself." I said

"Oh word?" He asked and pursed his lips and raised his brow.

"Boy don't be slick" I said and playfully pushed his chest.

"I could play wit chu allday baby." He said and raised my chin close to his mouth.

"Sean" I said and blushed.

"I'm sorry" he said and laughed. "We taking this slow right?" He asked

"This?" I asked

"Yeah us dating." He stated in a duh tone.

My eyebrows were raised and confused. "We are?" I asked confused.

"What chu think I was just playing with you? Nah I don't play games. And I wouldn't be talking to you this much if I just wanted to beat." He said.

"I hear you" I said smiling.

He leaned in and kissed my forehead. "Don't you got practice to get to." He asked

"Yeah, I'll call you later Alright." I said and jogged off.

Amie didn't know it yet but someone was listening and watching their whole moment just now and they weren't watching in awe of them, but more envious.


We all got to the spot and then waited for Yuri and his clowns to get here. We was choppin it up when Sean and his people came in. "Wassup y'all." He said.

I nodded and everyone dapped up. We all waited for a few more minutes and Yuri was here.

We all give him our attention and waited. "I got a job I need both of these teams to do."

"What's the job?" Some lightskin asked.

"Bring a package from savannah to downtown Atlanta. Drop it off at this address and await further instructions." Yuri said and handed Sean the address.

"It is to be completed tonight." Yuri said

"Tonight? It's 5:30 now, what time we doing this?" Alijah asked.

"Your to be at the meeting point in Savannah at 8:30 and then back downtown by midnight. If you not there by then there will be consequences." He said

"Consequences? What chu gonna ground us?" The lightskin said again.

"Hmph" Yuri said and pushed his lips at one of his clowns. Clown one knocked the lightskin in his bottom lip with the butt of his gun causing his mouth to bleed.

"Wait we gotta be in Savannah by 8:30? That's at least three hours from here there ain't no way we making there in time especially with this Atlanta traffic. You gotta give us more time."Hurricane said

"You go give us one more hour." I added

"You have until 8:30, get there no matter what!" Yuri said and walked out with clown one and two behind him.

"Come on man." I said my team started to walk out.

"Ayo sean drive your car, it's just as fast as mine." I had a charger and he had a camero. Since we had the fastest cars it made more sense to use ours to speed to savannah.

"Ayo lemme drive Tristen." Tazz said.

I kept walking but turned my head towards him "Nigga you crazy. The last time you drove your car you totaled ya hummer so bad shit looked like a Ferrari after it was done. I'd rather stay alive."

"Man I hit a turtle that shit wasn't my doing." Tazz said

"Nigga a turtle made a hummer flip four times? Damn must be some muscular ass turtle." I said and unlocked the car doors. We all got in and I sped to savannah behind Sean.

We got to the address Yuri gave us at 8:30 on the dot. We both parked next to each other and walked inside the empty building.

"Why do we always have to go to empty abandoned buildings? Why cant we ever go to luxurious hotels, go to the French desk girl who has big chichi's, have her slide us a key and roll her tongue ring around at me and meet in the presidentials suite to a butt naked amazon model who hands us the goods after she sucks us all off?" Tazz said

"Man that aint real life!" Sean said

"Pst, that aint ya life maybe." Tazz snapped back

"This shit don't feel right Tristen." Alijah said

"Just keep ya eye open" I said

We kept walking and looked around for something, some sort of package or case that we was supposed to be moving but there was nothing in this house.

"Ayo lets split up, my team will go up and y'all go down." Sean said to me. I nodded and we separated.

My team walked around the basement and saw nothing that looked like we was supposed to be taking it with us. The basement was completely empty, as was the upstairs.

"Lets go back upstairs." I said, we all started walking back up when we heard a loud thud and grunting coming from above us.

We ran up the stairs and into the last room in the hallway. Once I opened it Sean and his team was getting jumped by masked people. Someone pushed Alijah into me and four people were suddenly behind us.

"Man when we get outta here I swear I'm fucking who ever was responsible for this up." Alijah said standing preparing to fight, as did I.

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