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Rick punched Gabriel demanding answers and got aggravated when he couldn't explain who was watching us.

"Rick." I whispered. "He doesn't know anything."

A loud sound coming from outside sent us on alert and sending us outside to see what was going on.

"Over here!" Sasha yelled. "It's bob."

"Grab his legs ty." Rick grunted.

Bushes shuffling then silence. We drug bob back inside and propped him up. "What happened?" Sasha whimpered.

"It was that guy Gareth, Rick." He groaned in pain.

"Did he have Daryl and Carol?" Rick asked.

"No." Bob shook his head weakly. "He said they drove off."

"Then their ok." He nodded.

"I was outside." Bob mumbled. "Then I woke up at a school. They were eating my leg."

"Here take this." Sasha said trying to get him to take some medicine.

"Save em." He groaned. He lifted his shirt down on his shoulder showing a bite. "It happened at the food bank."

"It may not seem like much, but there's a couch in my office. It might be more comfortable." Gabriel offered.

"Thank you." Sasha whispered.

Rick and th moved bob into the office and helped him get comfortable, as much as possible.

"We need to leave." Abraham said standing up. "There's a threat and I need to evacuate Eugene fast and safely."

"It's dark out there." Eugene whimpered.

"Shut up Eugene." Abraham growled. "Rosita grab your shit. You too Eugene."

"We need to stay together right now." Rick spat. "It'll be safer."

"No. I'm getting him out of here." Abraham argued.

"No." Rick growled.

Before a fight broke out I got between them and held out two swords. "Enough!" I yelled. "What would it take for you to stay and help?"

"On the condition Glenn and Maggie come with me. I'd say you, but you have your son." Abraham said.

"No!" Rick growled.

"Not your decision." Glenn spoke up. "You stay here and help us tonight, we will go with you."

"I'll go too." Tara raised her hand.

"Then its settled." I nodded to both groups. "Let's survive tonight."

"How far to the school?" Rick asked Gabriel.

"Just a couple miles past the cemetery." He answered. "I can draw a map up."

"Wait." I yelled. "They'll expect you to go there now. Just walk in that direction and then wait. If their watching us they'll think they fooled us."

"I like her idea." Abraham said nudging his thumb in my direction.

"Ok, we will do that." Rick agreed. "You staying?"

"Yea. I'll be in here. I have my own plan." I nodded. "Get your gear and see you soon."

When everyone left, and the others locked themselves in the office, I sat in the front of the church behind the altar and waited.

When the door opened footsteps approached slowly, then they talked.

"I know you're here somewhere." A voice called. "Let's see, there's Carl, Judith, Michonne, bob, some blonde bitch, and the father." The voice laughed. "Come in out and give yourselves up or I can tear these doors down and just kill you." I heard footsteps approach both sides of me.

I stood up and raised my hands. "Looking for one of us?"

"Oh, the blonde bitch has balls!" The boy laughed aiming his gun at me. "What's your name?"

"See if you can guess." I shrugged smirking.

"You want to die first. Well ok." He shot his gun hitting me in the stomach. I didn't feel it. I stood still not falling either. "What?"

I drew my swords and walked forward. "Scared?" I whispered in his ear.

"How are you still standing?" He growled.

"I'm the walking dead." I chuckled. "With a twist." I walked to the door opening it just enough for Zeb to exit. "Now let's have fun, shall we?"

"You didn't tell me about the tiger!" Gareth yelled at the guy I noticed from the shack.

"I forgot! So sue me!" He barked back.

"Silence!" I yelled, except it wasn't my voice. It sounded more demonic. More scary.

"Allison!" Rick yelled. "Stop."

"I can't." I shook my head approaching the guy from the shack. "You remember me...but you're not afraid."

"You should've killed me." He laughed. "Bob would still be alive."

"We gave you the chance to move on and live. You brought yourself here." I whispered. I took my sword to his throats and cut into it. "Zeb, she's yours." I said pointing to the girl. Zeb jumped on the girl tearing into her ripping her to pieces.

"We can forget about this." Gareth pleaded.

"Too late." I snarled. "Your Ricks. Not mine."

Abraham took out the other guy while Rick took Gareth. I've probably just turned full monster, but it was controlling me. And the one person who could've helped is gone, with Carol.

When it was all over I fell to the ground drifting off into the stars.

"Allison!" I heard someone scream.


"I told you, she should've still been asleep." Eugene whispered. "I can't leave her yet Abraham."

"We have to Eugene." Abraham growled. "We need to get you to Washington."

"This is more important." Eugene begged. "She's waking up."

"Wha-what happened?" I groaned.

"Take it slow." Rick said grabbing my arm helping me. "You don't remember?"

"I-I'm not sure." I mumbled.

"The people from terminus came." Glenn whispered sitting in a pew. "You wasn't yourself."

"Your eyes were all black. You looked scary." Maggie frowned. "You were shot too."

"Your not safe with me, are you?" I frowned climbing to my feet.

"Of course we are." Rick whispered. "We are here to help you."

"But that could've easily been you." I sighed grabbing my small pack. "I need some time. Watch Harley. I'll find you when I'm ready."

"Allison, wait!" Maggie yelled.

I waved bye and jumped into the trees trying to find some peace. Something is wrong with me and it's getting worse. Hershel said it once, I'd be different when I took the last bit of serum. And I am. I need to understand. I need space, even if it means away from my son.

Allison (rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now