Chapter 3 - Brad

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"So Shawn and I have plans later today, when is dinner gonna be ready?" Lucas walks out of his room sitting on the couch next to me from the other side.

"Uh— What?" I'm still very confused by this whole situation. I'm not quite sure I understand what is happening.

"Shawn and I are going bawling and then just to a party with some old friends.. we thought about eating out today but you said you're making dinner so we're just gonna go afterwards" he says.

"Oh.. about 7? " I say

"Are you asking us?" Shawn looks at me.

Oh wow... I get butterflies every time he looks at me. What is going on?

"No, I'm just.. I don't know I think I'll manage to make it by 7" I say.

"Ok" he smiles. He is sitting very close to me I can literally feel his smile. "For how long are you going to stay here?" I ask Shawn.

"For about 3 or 4 days. Then he'll go home" Lucas answers before Shawn can reply

"Yeah.. but You guys aren't that far from my house it's just like 30 minutes drive so I'll be here around" Shawn says.

"How's Aaliyah?" I ask.

"She's ok, she is 15 now.. so grown up"

"Awww" Shawn and i look at Lucas and he is on the verge of tears.

"Dude. Are you ok?" Shawm asks.

"Yeah it's just, the movie is so..." he can barely speak... Oh my god... Lucas is so stupid. Shawn and I start laughing.

"Stop it" Lucas says. We can't help it.. We are still laughing. "I hate you guys" he says and he goes to his room, I think he is angry..? I'm not sure about it. We were just laughing jeez.

Shawn and I are now alone on the couch. I can feel the butterflies again.

"So, how's Brad?" He asks.

"Brad?" I choke on my tea, surprised. Brad was my boyfriend for about 2 months last year, how did Shawn find out about it? I don't think I ever mentioned him to Shawn..

"Are you ok?" He asks. "I'm fine" I put the tea, whom is now very cold and flavorless for some odd reason on the table. "What about Brad?" I ask. "Isn't He your boyfriend?"

"What? No. How do you know about him?" I try to remember if I ever told him about brad.. but I can't remember telling him.

"Lucas told me.." he says. That makes sense. So it's true, they did keep contact. I just didn't think they would talk about me.

"Why do you remember his name?" I ask. "I don't know.. I just do. So what happened? Did you guys break up?" He smiles a bit. In a weird creepy way.

I feel good that he is so interested in what is going on with my life.

"Yeah last year.... We were only together for like, 2 months."

"Oh I'm sorry to hear" he says. "You have nothing to be sorry for. It has nothing to do with you" I smile when he looks at me, it's an instinct. And of course don't forget the butterflies.

"I've missed you" He says. Those words. "I've missed you". Oh my god! "really?" I can't believe it. We didn't talk in a year. How could you possibly miss me?

"Yeah. I did. I thought about you a lot lately" What? What does that mean? Oh my god my heart swells. He thought about me...

"In a good way, I hope" I tease. I really hope, though.

He laughs.. "Haha Yeah. In a good way" he reassures me. Oh thank god.

I smile at him and he smiles at me. It feels good having him around. Even if he was only here for like, 5 minutes. It still feels good.

Lucas stormed out of his room and he sat next to us looking at his phone. "Ok, So I'm gonna go take a shower and we'll go eat lunch somewhere. after that we can go say hi to your parents and Aaliyah and than we'll just come back here for dinner. Sounds good?" He asks. Was I invited too? "Oh btw B we have plans tonight after Dinner, and we'll probably come back late tonight so Lock the door and I'll just take a key" Well I guess not. And yes Lucas calls me B as well. And I'm ok with it. Even tho my name is Michelle and it has nothing to do with the letter B. I'm ok with it, I got used to it.

"yeah sounds good" Shawn says.

"Well ok then" I fake smile.

"Great. So I'll just go take a shower" Lucas goes back to his room.

Shawn and I are alone, once more. "So what happened with Brad?" Shawn looks back at me. Eager for information.

"Uh.." before I can say anything Shawn turns the TV off. "Sorry I just wanted to hear you better"

"Well, we..." I'm not sure how comfortable I am talking about Brad. I mean, I feel more comfortable with Shawn than with Lucas. But still, we haven't talked in a year. A freaking year.

"What?" He asks. He looks concerned. "We're friends. Don't worry I won't tell anyone. You know me." He says. Wait, are we still friends?

"Ok. So we dated for 2 months.. I think, and we had a lot of troubles. It just didn't work out." I say. "I'm sorry to hear.."

"It's fine, really. We haven't talked for awhile I barely even think about him now."

"Do you think about me? we haven't talked in awhile..."

"Shawn you are different. We were friends, practically siblings" I say "we were friends?" He looks surprised "I thought we still are"

I have no idea how to react to that.

"Well, we haven't talked in a while.. and I thought you sort of forgot about me" I say. What...? I really did.

"God no. I would never" My smile is obvious. And I feel so happy at this moment.

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