Chapter 32 - Britthey is back

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"I'm not mad" I tell Brittney. I mean, I am but not that much. I don't really think I can be mad at her after what I did.. sorry, doing to her.

"Really?" She looks relived.. "yeah I'm happy you told me about it. Thank you for being honest." I say. Now can you go?! I was in the middle of something.

Ugh! I'm the worst person ever. "Wow. Thanks B. I was afraid you wouldn't want us to stay friends." She says. Well if I'm honest. At first, at me birthday.. when I saw her with Brad. Oh my god. I got so angry and i hated her at that moment. But now.... I feel like I can't hate her. Wow I sound like a bitch.

"Nope. Not at all what I was thinking." I'm really starting to hate myself. Maybe I should stop this whole thing with Shawn. Is it worth destroying my friendship with Britt?

"Ok good. Oh and I have to tell you that I'm really sorry if I acted like a bitch about the whole thing about Shawn. I know you don't like him that way. You told me a few times that you are over him. And I believe you. I'm sorry for being so jealous. And you're right if I won't try to do something.. someone else would." She says.

"Ok...." what is going on? "So I'm going to ask him out." She says. Bitch what the fuck?

"Wish me luck" she says walking out of my room. Wait.. what just happened? She opens the door and she walks over and sits next to Shawn on the couch. "Hey Britt what's up?" Shawn says turning his phone off and putting it on the table.

I'm standing in my room watching them.. not in a creepy way. "So Shawn.. I thought about it for a while and... I know this might sound a little crazy. But would like to go on a date with me?" She asks. Oh the cringe.

Shawn blushes and he doesn't know what to answer. Suddenly our eyes meet and we are looking at each other. "Uh..." he really looks confused. Brittney is really sensitive so this might hurt her. "Sure" He says. WHAT? Brittney jumps on him hugging him. "I'm sorry" he mutes over to me. Im starting to cry. I feel betrayed. I go in my room and I lock the door. What the fuck just happened?!

20 minutes later There is a knock on my door. "No" I say. "Come on open the door" Shawn says. "Go away" I say. I don't want to talk to him. He can go and talk to Brittney if he wants.

"Can you please open the door?" He knocks again. "No! Go away" - "come on B.. please" He says begging. Fine. I get up the bed and I unlock the door. I don't open it for him. I go back to my bed and Shawn walks in.

"I'm sorry.." he says. "Shawn I really don't care. You want to be with Brittney than go ahead. I'm not going to stop you." I say. I thought he wanted me. That he wanted to be with me. I guess I was wrong.

"I told her that I'm dating someone. I got really stressed and I didn't know what to say. It just came out. I didn't mean it. I don't want to date her." He says.

"You told her you are dating someone?" I ask. "Yeah.. I didn't say your name tho.. I told her we weren't exclusive so I can't say a name..." he says. I don't know how to react to that.

"Look, after you walked in your room I told her that I'm sorry but I'm dating someone.." he says. "And how did she react to that?" - "she cried. And than she talked to me about other stuff I don't really know, and now she left" he says.

"So I guess now we can finally do this..." he says closing the door coming over to me kissing me. "Shawn.." -"shhh... don't say anything" he says walking to lock the door and he takes off his shirt. I bit my lip.... things are getting real.

Shawn walks over to me sitting on the bed next to me starting to kiss me and he pushes me backwards so we are both laying on the bed and he is on top.

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