Chapter 20 - happy birthday

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I wake up in the morning, 12pm smudged into Shawn's abs. I can't believe we fell asleep together.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY" Brittney walks in my room seeing me and Shawn all smudged into each other.

"What the fuck?" She says. Shawn wakes up and he looks at me smiling and than he looks at  Brittney and that at me again but only this time with panic eyes. He jumps out of the bed.

"Oh shit" he says. He runs out of my room and Brittney closes the door after.

"You and Mendes? Are you fucking kidding me?" She looks mad. Why is she mad?

"Why are you so mad? It's not what it looks like. He came in last night after the party to give me my birthday present and we talked and I guess we fell asleep.. I woke up 2 seconds before you came and I found out that we fell asleep. I was In shock just as much as you are right now. Nothing is going on between me and Shawn. I promise" I say. Even tho I wish something did......

"I don't believe you... I can't believe you would do this." She says.

"What are you talking about?" I'm confused. "Do this?" I ask. What is happening...

"Wait? You don't remember?!" She asks.

"What?" Another thing I don't remember?! What is going on with my mind? How is it possible that I can't remember something? What was I on drugs? I don't get it.

"How could you forget?! I told you I like Shawn.. that he kissed me on the cheek?! I know we never really talked about it again... but you always pushed him away... so I thought he was the past for you... but a few days later you went back to always talking about him and stalking him on Facebook and Snapchat so I thought maybe you still liked him.. I don't know. You are so confusing. I never thought you would sleep with him tho. Because you knew that I have feelings for him." She says.

She liked him? She still likes him?! What the fuck?

"Wait, so the other day when Shawn asked me out... to my birthday party And I came to you, you didn't react like you... still like him." I say. "You said something about me needing to get over him. You never mentioned you like him." I say. She never said anything like that.

"And you said you don't have a crush on him. So, you slept with him. Like what the hell? Are you serious?" Brittney is now crying.

"No. I didn't" I say. I didn't sleep with him. I didn't even remember she ever told me she has a crush on him what?! "Happy birthday" She says and she throws the cake she brought me into my face. She walks out of my room angry and I follow her

"Brittney Wait. I'm sorry but nothing happened. I swear" I yell. "Why are you covered In cake?" Shawn is standing confused and a little red in the kitchen watching us talking.

"Yeah so you wouldn't mind if I'll do this?" Brittney goes over to Shawn she pulls him into a kiss and they are making out. that bitch. What the fuck?!

She let him go and Shawn is so red and embarrassed. He is so confused by this.

Brittney is looking at me waiting for me to react. I really don't know what to say. I have no idea. I'm just standing there looking at her crying, looking at Shawn so confused of what just happened...

"You know what? Fuck you" She says and she storms out of the house.

"What just happened?" Shawn asks confused.

I walk out of the shower and I sit on my bed with my hair still in a towel.

"Here, I brought you some tea" Shawn says walking in my room with a cup of tea. "Thanks" I say taking the tea from him.

"Are you ok?" He asks. He looks concerned.

"Yeah. I'm sorry you were involved in to this mess." I say. I take a sip from my tea and it's so good.

"I'm sorry that I stormed out of the room in the morning... I just didn't even realize we fell asleep so when I woke up and I saw Brittney I got really scared. I'm sorry if that hurt you in any kind of way" He says.

"No I get it. We can't be together. We talked about it. And I want to be professional.. and I want just to be friends. If that's ok?" I ask. I can't do that to Brittney. I can't date Shawn. The universe doesn't want me and Shawn to be together. I guess we aren't meant to be.

"Yeah. That sounds good." He says smiling.

"What's going on in here? Huh? Birthday girl?" Lucas walks in to my room with a gift card... like every year.

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