Chapter 36 - I love you

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"Don't cry.." I say wiping his tear off his face. "I waited for what happened today to happen, since I was 14" he says. "It finally happened. And it was the best moment of my life. And now you are telling me, you don't want t—" - "I never said that. I do want to. I want you, And to be with you. Since I was 8. before I even knew what it meant to want someone. But I feel like the worst person in the world by hurting so many people around me. I can't do this." I say. "I'm really sorry.."

Shawn looks at me and he kisses me, so passionately that I just want to rip his cloths off and go with him to my room lock the door and... but I can't.

Shawn looks at me with more tears running down his cheeks. I hug him tightly and i try not to cry as well.

"So that's it?" He says, still hugging me putting his head on me head so his chin is touching my head.

"I guess so. I'm sorry all this happened... and we had to go throw all this shit. But that's it. We have to move on" I say moving away and looking at him.

"What if I don't want to move on?" He asks. I'm looking at him looking at me. And I want to jump on him so badly. I don't want to move on too. But this feels like the best thing to do. To just break it off.

"Fuck Brittney. Fuck Adam. Fuck my fans. The only real problem is Lucas. And I can handle him." He says. "Lucas.." Shawn says loudly walking towards his room. "What are you doing?" I ask going after him. "I need to tell you something." Shawn says walking in. "Lucas —"

"No. No you don't" I say and I push Shawn out. "B, I want to be with you. We have to tell him." He whisperers to me. "No. Shawn. Don't be stupid. We can't. Stop it" I whisper back, "just stop"

"I can't" He says "why not?" I ask. "Come on Shawn, we both know that we can't do this anymore." I say.

"I love you"  Holy shit! What the fuck?!

"What?" I have chills all over my body and my heart is hurting, I'm starting to cry. "What did you just say..?"

"Yo guys, is everything ok?" Lucas walks out of his room.."you're acting kinda weird" — "yes we're fine." I say not even looking at Lucas, staring in Shawn's eyes.

"Ok..." Lucas says awkwardly and he walks back to his room.

Shawn is just looking at me we are both not speaking. What did he mean by 'I love you'????

"I'm sorry" Shawn says with tears coming down his cheeks, more and more of them.

"I shouldn't have said that" he looks really sorry and ashamed.

I'm completely speechless I have no idea what to say now.. I don't even know what I'm feeling now. I'm just standing there in front of him crying. We both are.

"I think I'm gonna go stay at my parents house for awhile" he says looking at the floor.

"No.... Shawm..." I say holding his face with my hand so he is looking at me again. "I'm sorry. I'm just confused.." I say. "We didn't even date for 24 hours... how can you know that that's how you feel?" I ask and I let go.

"I knew since I was 14" he says. "And when we kissed a few days ago... I fucking new it. That was the moment when I knew 100% that that's it. I waited for this, for you, so long and it was worth it.
Every time I kiss you, my heart melts and I can't breath. I can feel the happiness running through me every time you are looking at me. And this morning... oh my god. This morning was the best day of my life. I literally felt my heart hurting so much, out of how much happy I was. I literally thought that my heart is going to explode.. I don't think I was ever this happy. And I know you probably don't feel the same. But please don't go and date that fucking Adam guy, that just breaks my heart. If you want us to stop being together than fine. I'll do my best. But when I see you with this other guy, I.. I don't know. My heart just can't handle it." He says.

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