Chapter 5 - friends again?

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"Hey.. I'm sorry I acted like a bitch today at the café.. I know we haven't talked in a while but can we just forget what happened last year and just be friends again?" She ask "we are not kids anymore. We can vote. And next year we can even drink.. not that we aren't drinking now but... you get me" 

"Yeah.. I would love to be friends again. I never meant for us to stop being friends. Do you want to come over for dinner tonight? Shawn is here too. And also Lucas and Shawn are going out tonight so we can watch a movie or something. And have a girls night" I say.

"Yes! I would love that. What time to come over? I'm also excited to see Shawn we haven't talked In a year.." she says.

Brittney was over at my house all the time. So she knows Shawn. Me, Shawn, Lucas, Alex, Jack, Aaliyah and Brittney used to hang out all the time.

Jack and Alex were More Lucas and Shawn's friends but they were a part of the group as well.

We used to hang out a lot. So what if I was like 10 when we started hanging? We still had really good times.

"Um... we are actually having dinner right now. Can you come?" I ask

She giggles "Yeah sure I'll come. you don't have to wait for me"

"Ok. Can't wait to talk to you and to tell you everything" I say. She doesn't even know about Brad. I mean, she knows we were friends but not more than that. I'm excited.

I go out of Lucas's room and we all sit down next to the table

"Brittney is coming in a few minutes.. she said to not wait for her.. we can start eating" I say

"Sounds good to me" Shawn's says digging in.

After Shawn Lucas takes a bit of the pasta, without the chicken. I forgot he doesn't like chicken... what a weirdo.

I love Chicken so I put some extra on my plate. We all eat and well, we are eating.

I'm looking at Lucas and Shawn they are both on their phones. Thank you guys... it was so fun to make dinner for you to barley eat it and be on your phone.

I got a text. Weird... it's from Shawn. He is literally sitting in front of me

(Btw this is an edit I made and if you liked it I'll maybe make some more!)

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(Btw this is an edit I made and if you liked it I'll maybe make some more!)

Shawn wants to talk to me after dinner.. what is that about? The butterflies are here again... Oh wow I'm starting to blush...

"Calm down" he texts me. "You are red like a tomato..." he texts. I can't help it. I don't know why. I look at him and he is smiling and a bit laughing. Lucas isn't even with us. He is on his phone. I'm so embarrassed! I need to stop blushing.

"This is really good" Shawn says chewing and smiling at me.

"Thanks. It took my awhile and because LUCAS... took the car and I had to take a cab to the grocery store.. but yeah thanks" I say.Lucas looks at me like, huh? What..

There is a knock on the door. I bet it's Brittney. "I'll open it" I say. I go to open the door and Brittny is standing there.

I hug her like I never hugged anyone before. I start to tear up. I don't know why I'm so emotional.. maybe it's because I really missed her. "Shawn is her" I whisper "just relax" she whispers back

I let her go and she walks in. She sees Shawn and they hug like, minimum He's her husband.. what is that hug about? She didn't hug me like that. They were never that close, so what is that hug about? Ok ok I need to just... relax. Why am I even jealous? I need to breath.

Lucas put his phone down and he got up to give Brittney a hug.

"Hey Britt" Lucas says

"So Brittney how are you?" Shawn asks

"I'm ok. It's been a little hard lately, with out Michelle.. and you guys.. obviously. but yeah I'm ok." She says and She sits down

"Do you have a boyfriend?" Shawn asks. That comment made me jealous. Why did he just ask her that.

"Uh, no. Not really." She says "are you looking  for on—" — "Shawn Why are you harassing her with your questions?! Just let her breath." I'm sorry but I won't let him flirt with her. Nope nope nope.  "Do you want to eat something?" I ask her

"Yeah thanks" she says. I go grab a plate for her and some cutlery. When I come back to the table I see Shawn and Brittney whispering.. I feel stupefied.

"Here you go" I interrupt them. As I put the plate and cutlery on the table next to her. "Take as many pasta as you'd like"

"Thanks" She says and she continues to whisper with him.

"Ok I'm done. Thanks sis. I'm gonna go to my room. Shawn when you're ready tell me and we'll go" Lucas says and he goes to his room.

"I'm done. We can go now." Shawn says standing up "We'll continue talking about it later.." Shawn says looking at Brittney... "Thanks for dinner B. It was delicious!"

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