Chapter 48 - naked

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"This was Adam. I Think what happened is that when I went to the bathroom, he probably took my phone and texted you. I forgot my phone on the table when I went to the bathroom.. This isn't me. I swear" I say begging me to believe me.

"Wait really?" He asks looking at me with his eyes wide open.

"Yes. This wasn't me. You know I would never do that to you" I say. "I love you" he says kissing me. "I'm so sorry" I say

"You have nothing to be sorry for. I'm just happy you still want me, and not Blondie.." he says giggling.

"I love you..." I say hugging him and he kisses me on the forehead.

"What's going on here?" Lucas says walking out of the house coming over to us.

"Nothing." I say and quickly giving Shawn his jacket back.

"You are leaving?" Lucas asks. "Yeah we were just saying goodbye" Shawn says. "I thought you were asleep I didn't want to wake you up" he adds

"What? Bro I'm flying tomorrow, you thought about going with out saying anything to me? Yeah right" Lucas says coming over to Shawn hugging him patting him on the back.

Shawn's father came to pick him up, I thought he would drive a taxi or whatever.

I feel sad he is going back to his parents. I wish he would stay. Why is he even going back? Why can't he stay?

"Why can't you just stay here?" I ask Shawn before his dad's gets out of the car.

"What do you mean?" Lucas answers. "I'm not here, just you and Shawn in the house?" Lucas asks surprised that it have even occurred to my thoughts that Shawn will stay over without him around.

"Oh... right. That would be weird" I say. Looking at Shawn that looks at me back. "Yeah" Lucas says. "Hi there buddy" his dad Manuel comes out of the car gives him a hug. "Hello guys" he says to us, taking his stuff and puts it in the trunk.

"Hi mr. Mendes.." I say. Wow, mr. Mendes that's so weird saying.. "Hi dad" Shawn hugs him again, after giving me a weird look.

"Ready to go?" His dad asks. "Yeah I'll just say one last goodbye and we can go" Shawn says coming over and hugging me tight. "Don't worry everything will be ok." He whispers in my ear. wiping my tears..

"Why are you crying?" Lucas asks. "Just a bad date she had" Shawn says. He lets go of the hug and he goes over to Lucas and he hugs him patting his back, "goodbye Lucas. Love you." Shawn says walking in the car and so does his father and they drive off.

"Come on little sis" Lucas says rapping his hand around my shoulder and walking home with me. "It'll all be ok, I know you'll miss him, but remember he is right here, in town. you can go visit him whenever you want." He says.

My eyes are filled with tears. Lucas is right. He is right here, 30 minutes away, I can do this. It's not like he moved to Alaska. It's all good.

"Ok, I need to go to sleep, my flight is tomorrow morning..." Lucas says kissing my forehead and letting me go. "Goodnight" I say to him. "Wait" Lucas says. "What?" I ask.

"You told Shawn about your date and you didn't tell me?" He looks offended. "I'm sorry He was awake and I thought you were asleep" I say. "Ok, so what happened?" He asks. "It's a long story, I'll tell you when you get back. You should really get some sleep" I say. "Ok, goodnight B" he says going to his room, and I'm going to mine.

I wish Shawn was here and he could come sneak in my room and cuddle with me.

"Hey" Adam texts me. Oh my god...... I can't believe he has the nerve to text me after what he did today. Looking through my phone? texting people from my phone?? Shawn nearly broke up with me. Like dude.

"Never speak to me again." I text him and I bloke his number. Is he serious? Thinking I would want to talk to him after the way he acted.... yeah right.

"Do you want to come over?" Shawn texts me.

"What...?" I text him back. "You haven't even gotten home yet, you have like another 25 minutes drive left" I text him.

"I know, I'm just sorry for the way I acted today. I got really Jealous and I have no idea what the hell happened to me. I want to be with you."
"Can you come over?" He texts

"Over to your parents house?" What is he talking about?

"Yeah I could sneak you in.. tell Lucas you are going to sleep over at Brittney or whatever and come over."

"Shawn are you serious?" He isn't serious.

"I am. I want you. To come over.." he texts.

"I'll think about. I don't know.. what if we get caught.. what will your parents think? I would be so embarrassed."

"Just come on. Please for me... I want to make it up to you after the way I acted tonight...😉"

"Lol.... fine I'll come over, I hope you have planes for how you'll make it up to me.....😉" I text

"Believe me I have....😏"
"Come prepared for some..." He texts.

"Ok ok, on my way." I text him. I love him so much.

I charge my phone as I'm looking for the perfect thing to wear.

It's been 30 minutes and I still haven't found the perfect outfit to wear. It's almost 1 a.m.

"Are you coming????😩" he texts me

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"Are you coming????😩" he texts me.

"Yes. Jeez I didn't find anything to wear"
"Btw you look so hot😍💦"

"You are still home?? Wait, what are you doing? you don't even need your clothes....😏"

"JESUS LORD SHAWN WHAT IS WORNG WITH YOU?? you are basically saying I should drive over to your house naked and let your parents, or Aaliyah to catch us.. oh and when I get back from *Brittney* Lucas would love to see me naked when I get home"

"Fine. Just put something on and come on already" he texts me.

"Ok ok, On my way❤️"

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