Chapter 46 - stop it

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"Are you seriously going to go out with him? I thought you said you lov—"

"I do." I say not letting him finish. "He doesn't mean anything to me, it's just a stupid date. I'll end it after tonight. I just feel bad on bailing last minute. Trust me..." I say and I get closer to him kissing him. "He means nothing" I say.

"Ok.." he says smiling. "You better come back here tonight telling me how horrible it was." He says.

"I will, don't worry" I say giggling and kissing him again.

Quickly our kiss turns into a make out and Shawn pushes me to the wall as we are kissing. "Sure you don't want to cancel?" He asks as he slowly tries to take off my bra.

"Stop. Yes I'm sure" I say stopping him and moving him aside. "I'll be back in a few hours. Just relax" I say going back to the closet

"A few hours? You wish. 2 hours tops" he says sitting on the bed Watching me trying on some cloths.

"Someone's  jealous..." I say giggling. "Shut up. I just don't like the idea that my girlfriend is going out with a different guy." He says.

"Your girlfriend?" I ask. Coming to him after I put on a shirt, still no pants on.

"You have a girlfriend and you didn't tell me?" I say sitting on his lap. "You know what I mean" he says rolling his eyes. "I really want you to cancel it. Please" He says as I play with his fluffy hair.

"2 hours. Tops" I say kissing him one last time, getting off him and putting on some regular blue jeans. "See you later" I say walking out of my room closing the door after me, ready to go.

"Just my shoes and we can go" I say as I walk over and put on my snickers. I look over to see Adam sitting by himself on the couch, Lucas is no longer sitting with him.

"All done" I say. "Great. Let's go" Adam says standing up. 

"Wait, Uh.. can I talk to you for a sec?" Lucas calls me from his room. "Um... ok" I say and I go over to Lucas's room.

"I thought I just talked to you about this kind of stuff this morning, what is going on with you?" He asks. Oh no, not this weird brotherly conversation again. "I'm sorry, I'm going on a date with Adam. Probably not going to be anymore than that." I say. "Ok, gotta go bye"
I say and I walk back over to Adam.

"Everything ok?" Adam asks. "Perfect" I replay. We both walk out of the house and we go in his car. "Where are we going this time?" I ask. "You'll see" he says smiling.

After about 20 minutes drive we got to this really nice restaurant. As we sit down I get a text.

"1 hour and 35 minutes" oh my god... Is he serious?! "Oh my god.. Shawn relax." I text him back. He can be so needy sometimes.

"Who was that?" Adam asks as I put my phone on the table. "Brittney" I say. I can't believe I said her name. It feels weird. Saying her name out loud. and I clearly can't say 'Shawn' after last time.....

I'm not really sure where we are standing, me and Brittney. Are we friends? Are we not? Do you like each other? Do we hate each other? I seriously have no idea what's going on anymore.

"Oh, what did she want?" He asks. "Nothing, it's not important" I say.

"I'm sorry will you excuse me, I need to go to the bathroom." I say. I didn't pee for like 200 years. Oh my god. I go to the bathroom and there is the longest line in the world. I take out my phone out of my pocket, Wait.. where is my phone? It's not in my pocket. Oh shoot, I left it on the table. Ugh, whatever I can handle a few minutes without my phone.

Something like 20 minutes has passed and I came back to the table after I peed.

I look at the table and I see he already ordered. Everything looks so delicious.

"Wait? For real? Are you serious? Is this a joke or something?" Shawn texts me. Wow, dude. What is that about? Sometimes he is over reacting. Nothing is going on between me and Adam. He can chill. I just told him to relax... What is wrong with him...?

"Is everything ok?" Adam asks looking a bit nervous. "Uh.. Yeah" I say letting my phone down again, not letting Shawn ruin this.

2 more buzzes come from my phone but I ignore it. "it's fine. Let's just eat" I say.

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