Chapter 14 - don't you remember?

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It's 6pm and Lucas is out. Brittney and I have planes to go at about 8 to the new restaurant that opened down town.

All day long me and Shawn haven't spoken. It feels so weird. I'm in my room just on my phone when,

"Can we talk?" Shawn walks in to my room. "Sure" I say frightened. I'm so nervous and scared of what he is going to say..

He sits on the bed next to me and he starts talking.

"I don't want things to be awkward between us. I'm sorry things happened the way they did. Just please let's try to forget all this ever happened" he says.

"Why did you kiss me?" I ask. I'm curious. Why did he kiss ME? He sees so many girls, hot and sexy and beautiful girls every single day on tour and off tour. He didn't even see me in the past year and now he kisses me out of the blue?! That's so confusing.

"What do you mean why? Isn't it obvious?" He asks. "Obviously not if I had to ask.." I say. I'm scared. I don't know why I'm scared but I am.

"Don't you remember?" He asks. "Remember? Remember what?" I ask. What do I need to Remember? My heart beat is rising. I'm trying to remember, whatever he wants me to. But It's not working.

What can he possibly want me to remember? And why can't I remember it?

"A few days before my first tour, with Taylor.. I told you something.. do you remember what I said?" He asks.

He told me something? What did he say? I really can't remember.. why don't I remember? Oh my god.

"No.. what did you say?" I ask. How does this has anything to do with why he kissed me a few hours ago?

"You were sitting on the couch in the basement watching Good Luck Charlie. You were so obsessed with that show. You were like 14 at the time and all you did was to watch that show.." he says

I remember being obsessed to that show. I remember when Teddy found out Spencer cheated on her, boy I got so pissed. It was the good times.

Wait, why does Shawn remember what I liked to watch and what I did and how old I was? I don't even remember when I last talked to my parents.

"I was about to fly the next day and I wanted to say goodbye to you, so I came down stairs and I sat next to you on the couch. You looked at me with your beautiful eyes.. and instead of saying goodbye properly as I planned, I said something else." He says.

I looked at him with my beautiful eyes? Did he just say I had beautiful eyes?! My heart is hurting. (in a good way)

"You don't remember?" He asks. He looks offended that I don't remember. I want to say that I do. But I swear that I don't. I'm trying so hard to remember that Moment. It's really frustrating that I don't remember.

"I- I'm sorry but I don't know why I can't remember.. what did you say?" I'm starting to get nervous. What the hell did he say?

"Are you really going to make me say it again?" He asks. What is that supposed to mean? What did he say?! "Yes?" I ask very unsurely

"Ok... so I was sitting on the couch next to you and you looked at me and I froze. I didn't know what to say. Your mom said you weren't feeling so good so I shouldn't spend so much time with you so I won't get sick before tour.. I decided to sit next to you eventually and I didn't care if I would get sick." he says.

I wasn't feeling good? What? I swear I can't remember.

"I told you I have feelings for you. And you we're so calm that it scared me a bit." I was calm? How was I calm? Since I was 8 I had the hugest crush on him. This makes no sense.

HOLD UP!! He had feelings for me?!? What the fuck?

"My heart stopped. You asked about Lauren.. I didn't date her at that time. We were just friends. You told me you have feelings for me to. I wanted to kiss you so badly but I leaned in and you pushed me away. Like you always do. I wanted to cry. I felt so heartbroken. You said something about me going on tour and that I can't kiss you and than walk away." He stopped to take a breath "I think this was the time you fell asleep. I'm not sure if you really fell asleep or not, but I told you.." he takes another breath "that I love you. And you didn't respond to me. My heart shattered into a million pieces. But than I looked at you and I saw your eyes were closed so I just assumed you fell asleep. I gave you a kiss on the forehead and I worte you a note" he says

"What did that note say?" I ask.

"You owe me a kiss when I get back" he says.

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