Chapter 29 - GET OUT

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We kept dancing and having fun until.. "Let's get out of here" I say in a sexy way... maybe I am a bit drunk.. I'm not the kind of girl that sleeps with a guy on the first date. But I don't know I felt good with Adam. We talked at the party and got to know each other a bit more than what we already knew.... we also kissed a few times more and I felt ready to go home with him.

We weren't drunk. I could see clear and I knew what I was doing. I hope he was too. We only had 2 shots that's not that much. "I have an empty house.. we can go to my place" I say.. he smiles at me kissing me looking excited and we drive back to my house. I know I told him I have an empty house... I don't mind if Lucas is home... but Shawn isn't so that's fine.

We got to my house it was a little after 2 am. We had so much fun at the party that we spent there a lot more time than I expected.

we walk in the house kissing and the lights are on. I turn around to see Shawn at the kitchen "omg I think I drank too much.. it's really late and Shawn Mendes is still here..." Adam says.

"Adam can you go wait for me in my room" I say. "Yes ma'am" he says walking towards Lucas's room "that's not her room" Shawn says. "Oops sorry" he says walking to my room.

"What are you doing here? I thought you said you are going to your parents.." I say. "Well, Aaliyah is at a party or something with her friends and my parents are really boring... I went over there for an hour or 2 and I decided to come back here and to just go back  tomorrow when Aaliyah is there too.." he says. "Oh, ok" I say.

"Is he staying here tonight?" Shawn asks. "Shawn we talked about it. No jealousy." I say. "I'm not jealous.." he says.

"Ok. If you say so. Whatever. Oh and btw he is a big fan of you so in the morning please don't be here. I don't want him to see you" I say. I can't believe I said that. "Why not?" He asks.

"I didn't mean it like that, it's just that I don't want it to be weird for you, or for him.. and especially not for me. So just please" I beg.

"Yeah ok. I won't be here." He says. "Thank you" I say. I go to my room and I close the door after me.

Me and Adam are starting to kiss when he takes my shirt off. we both sit down on the bed kissing and I slowly take his shirt off...

"Ok not happening" Shawn walks in the room. "GET THE FUCK OUT" Shawn yells at Adam. I let go of Adam's shirt and I quickly put my shirt back on "no, Shawn you said no Jealousy. Please get out. I'm a grown women I'm 19 I can do whatever I want." I say standing up.

Shawn isn't Listening to what I'm saying and he just pulls Adam by his ears and he pushes him out of my room and out of the house. "Stop it! you're hurting me"

"Shawn let him back in" I say. Shawn, completely ignoring me.. locks the door after pushing Adam out and he turns around and he pushes me to the bed in my room. you can hear Adam knocking on the door confused.

In my room, I'm standing when Shawn locks the door looking at me. He pushes me on the bed laying on top of me kissing the hell out of me.

He takes his shirt off and he continues to kiss me. He slowly moves to my neck and it feels so good.

My phone buzzes... someone is calling me. I ignore it and I let Shawn continue kissing me. This is a dream coming true..

Shawn stops for a second looking at me. "Why did you stop?" I ask letting out a moan.. I want him to continue kissing me forever. I want all of him. Forever.

"I'm sorry. I got caught up in the moment... we shouldn't do thi—" I stop him with a passionate kiss. I flip him over so now I'm on top and I try to sexily take my shirt off. I hope it worked and I didn't make a fool out of myself.

"Hey, B stop" he says looking at me. He called me B again, I kind of liked him calling me Michelle.

"But why?" I ask. "I can't do this to Lucas. I'm sorry. I want to... believe me I-" he takes a breath... bitting his lip and looking at my body "I want to. But I just can't" He says. I hate that he is so nice and thinking about other people's feelings. Why can't he just fucking fuck me already?!

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