Chapter 51 - what?

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"Aaliyah's boyfriends cheated on her. She needed me to be with her. I don't know if you remember but I came back here to be with you in the middle of the night, but she had a serious fight with him and she needed someone to talk to so I went over to her room. we both stayed up all night. " He says. "I just feel so bad that she has to go through that shit You know? What did she do to deserve this kind of behavior?" Shawn looks devastated."Oh my god... I'm sorry to hear that" I say trying to make Shawn feel better. He really looks hurt.

"She is only fucking 15, why did a fucking little 15 years old kid feel the urge to cheat? Like what is wrong with you man?" Shawn looks mad.

"I can't believe it." I say "this is crazy. Do I know this guy?" I ask

"No, I don't think so" he says yawning.. "fuck" he suddenly says in the middle of his yawn with his eyes wide open scaring me a bit. "You need to get back home Lucas is going to the airport at 8? I think. Fuck you hav to get home" He says.

"Shawn it's only 6:30 I have another hour before I need to go back." I say. "Don't forget there is traffic and stuff. You should get ready to leave" he says.

"Jeez... you really want me to go.." I say.

"No. No. That's not what I meant" he says. "I just don't want you to miss him. I'll come over tonight and we will actually spend the night together don't worry. "Ok." I say and I kiss him.

"Come I'll walk you out." I go to the bathroom first and than he walks me out to my car.

"Drive safe." Shawn says giving me a kiss. "Bye" I say walking over to my car Oh wait" Shawn says. "What?" I turn around. "I'll be over at 7, and I want you to wear one of your... sexy things" he says smiling. "Oh my god..." I smile while giggling.

"I'll see you tonight. Bye babe" Shawn says giving me a last kiss before I walk in the car and he walks back inside.

After 1 hour that it took me to get home, because of the traffic. I walked in and saw Lucas is still asleep.

It's 7:30. What is he doing? I went over to him and I woke him up.

"Lucas? What are you doing? The cab will be here in 30 minutes." I say trying to wake him up.

"Stop it. I'm not going." He says with his eyes closed.

"What? You need to go to work. You can't really choose if to go or not." I say taking his pillows and throwing them at him.

"Stop it. I don't need to go. The meetings were canceled so I can finally sleep in a little longer." He says holding the pillows tight so I can't them take them again.

"What?" I ask surprised. "Yeah so just stop it and let me sleep." He says.

"Ok..." I say walking out of his room.

I go straight to bed.  I'm so tired I need to sleep.

I wake up at like 7 pm. Wow, I slept forever. My hours are now going to be so messed up. Shit.

I'm going to the couch and I want to just be on my phone and drink some tea or coffee like I usually do, but I can't find it... fuck. Where is it?

I'm looking all over the house and at the car and I can't find my phone anywhere. Fuck. I must've left it at Shawn's house. Oh no. What am I going to do now?

There is a knock on the door and Lucas goes to open it.

"Hey..." Shawn says in a sexy voice. "Lucas?" He asks confused. "Yo Shawn, what's up? What are you doing here?" Lucas asks letting Shawn in.

Fuck, I forgot Shawn said he'll come over tonight, my phone wasn't here so I couldn't even tell him not to come if I remembered that he was coming.

"Oh I just came to say hi to you guys.." Shawn says and he looks very awkward and confused.

"Aww man, how did you know I'm staying here and not flying?" Lucas asks.

Shawn's face go: what?

"I told him." I say trying to save him.

"Oh... well ok." Lucas says going to the bathroom.

"What?" Shawn comes near me whispering.

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