Chaptet 10 - just friends

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"Thanks" He says. He is still sitting on my bed.

"Would you mind listening to this new thing that I wrote?" He asks me.

"Uh.. yeah sure." I say. I sit next to him as excited as a person can be.

He puts a recording of like 10 seconds so it won't spoil me the whole song when it actually comes out. Which is really sweet.

Oh WOW!!!!! That songs sounds amazing. Even tho I heard like only 10 seconds. But ok...

"Wow, Shawn this is amazing" I say. "Wow, just.. WOW I am completely speechless. This is amazing..."

"Thank you. I'm really happy you liked it. I don't want you to hear the whole song so you would be surprised and you'll have to listen to it with everyone when it comes out." He says.

"Ok...." I say "it's fine. It's still amazing"

"Thanks. ok I'm just gonna.... go..." he says standing up.

"Ok..." I say. What is happening? He is acting all weird now.

"Good night" he says. "Goodnight" I say back. He goes out of my room and he closes the door.

I change into my pajamas and I walk out of my room to see Shawn in his boxers on the couch.

"Sorry.. I'm just a little thirsty" I say and I grab myself a glass of water.

"It's cool." He says. Why does it feel weird? What happened..?

"Are you feeling any better?" He asks. "Not really... I think if I will just rest I will be ok." I say.

"Yeah ok. If you need anything... I'm here" he says.

I smile "thanks" I say. Didn't Brittney say she thought he was drunk. He looks sober to me. He is so sweet and cute..

I go to my room and I close the door. I sit on my bed thinking about Shawn's amazing song when the door opens and Shawn walks in.

"Is everything ok?" I ask

"Yeah I just wanted to say.... never mind" he says.

"Wait, stop. Shawn What is it?" I ask.

What is going on? I'm really confused.

"Uh..... I wanted... to say.. that I had fun tonight, even tho we haven't really spent time at the party it was fun..." he says. He looks uncomfortable and he is blushing a bit.

"Yeah Shawn, I'm sorry for that. I don't know what is going on with me. I feel...  I just Uh... need to rest that's it. I'm sorry. I know you worked hard on this party. I'm sorry I ruined everything" I say.

I feel so bad for all this.

"You didn't ruin anything. Lucas is still at the party and he is having fun. It really doesn't matter if you are there or not. I mean, I wish you would have stayed. At least for some cake. But it's fine.." he says. He smiles and I smile back. I don't know if it's a fake smile, but I'm not happy. I feel sad.

"Ok, I'm gonna go.... to the couch" he says. He is starting to walk when,

"Shawn?" I ask.

"Yeah?" He turns around. "What did you want say to me? I'm not stupid. I know you wanted to say something else, not about the party" I say.

"Ok.. fine" he says and he closes the door and he sits next to me on the bed.

"Please don't hate me!" He says, bagging.

"Uh.. ok. I won't hate you. what happened?" I ask. I'm concerned. Is it something serious?

"I was supposed to meet Camila today at this party. She's in town for a photo shoot. And I chose to go to Your birthday party instead of hanging out with her.. and now we have this little fight... and I don't want to do. I wanted to invite her to your party, but you know, it's not me, that everyone know who I am and we've grew up together. She is famous and I wasn't sure it was a good idea. And also I didn't want her to take all the attention and the focus from you, the birthday girl " He says.

"Oh.." I say

"Oh shit, I'm sorry, I never should of said something." He says Standing up walking towards the door.

"No no. Shawn, it's ok. I just.. You chose me? Over Camila? Your best friend?" I ask. He looks at me and he comes back sitting next to me.

"Uh... she's not my best friend." He says

"Yeah ok." I say. Like he can fool me.

"I thought you are my best friend" he says. "But if you want me to chose Camila over you..." He giggles

"No no. I'm fine thank you." I say. We both laugh.

"So you are in a fight with her now?" I ask

"Yeah.. I don't know what to do. I know I was pretty much a douche bag. But I don't know, I wanted to be with you. Is that so wrong?" He asks.

Oh my god. Is it hot in here?..

Shawn is getting a bit close to me. I move myself backwards and I cough.

"Uh.. it's getting really late... we'll talk tomorrow yeah?" I say

"Yeah ok. Sure. Goodnight B" he says very cold and he walks out.

"Goodnight..." I say.

what did I just do?

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