Chapter 27 - I just don't get it

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"Because we are friends.." he says.. "yeah ok, but why can't we... you know.." I say. I never thought I'd have this conversation with him. Ever. Shawn sits next to me again. "Lucas will never talk to me again. Or to you, and I don't really know if it's true but I think Brittney might be into me..." he says. Yeah she totally is. That's one of my reasons why not jumping all over him. "Ok... but-" Shawn stops me. "Look, We are friends since we were very little and now to start dating? It's kind of weird" he says.

"Ok, but Shawn we kissed. That's not weird? Like, I really don't get it. What are we hiding from?" I ask. "Ok look, since I got famous Lucas was kind of the only person who kept talking to me.. he was the only friend I had at first. Before I really got famous. And I just don't want to ruin our friendship. It's really important to me. And also I'm going on tour next year and I won't be around for a few months and I'll be traveling a lot.. and even if we were together.. most of the year we wouldn't.. and that sucks." He says.

"Yeah.. ok so if we can't be together than we have to have boundaries. No kissing" I say. Why the fuck did I say that?! I'm so stupid god. "We can't kiss and than say we can't be together. Oh and no jealousy.. just good friends. Ok?" I ask. I really care about Shawn. And I think we should just move on. I can't do this to Brittney, even tho I'm not sure if we are friends or not... I can't do that to her. And Shawn can't do this to Lucas. And neither can I.. I mean, Lucas will never look at me again. I would've never spoken to him if he kissed Brittney... oh shit, I'm happy he doesn't know. Oh my god.

"Ok" Shawn says. We both hand shake on that and Shawn stands up. "Good night" he says "good night" I say.

He unlocks the door and he walks closing the door after him. I take the iPod he gave me with the 2 songs he wrote for me and I listened To them on loops thinking about that, that he fucking kissed me..... and how good it felt... until I fell asleep.

In the morning I woke up with the headphones still on but no music playing. I went out of my room Shawn was still asleep and Lucas wasn't home.. I guess he went to work or something..

I make myself a coffee and I sit down to drink it. Things are quiet.. it's so fun.

As I thought how things were quiet there was a knock on the door. "Oh Good morning mr. Ronalds.." I say as I open the door and seeing Fred standing in front of me.

"Good morning, Michelle. My wife baked you a chocolate cake for your birthday.. here you go dear" he says handing me over a beautiful chocolate cake. "Oh wow, thank you so much, but really this is too much..." I can't believe they made this gorgeous cake for me. "Oh it's nothing. Happy birthday darling" He says giving me a kiss on the cheek. "Wow. Thank you so much!" I say. "Goodbye deer" he says walking back home.

Ignore the thought that this isn't my actual birthday, it was yesterday. It's practically the same.. but oh wow. This cake is so beautiful!

I walk in this beautiful cake puting it on the table

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I walk in this beautiful cake puting it on the table. "Wow... What is that?" Shawn walks towards me making himself a coffee. "The neighbors, made me a birthday cake." I say staring at it.

"Wow that's beautiful" he says. "Thank you I know" I say. "Can we eat it?" He asks. "No Shawn I want to wait for Lucas. Where is he by the way?" I ask. "Oh he said he has to go work on something... he said he'll be back really late tonight" Shawn says. "Oh so yeah we can eat it... I'll just take a picture of it and send it to him" I say. I take a picture of the cake and I send Lucas and Shawn and I are digging in.

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