-1- Coffee and a Blueberry Muffin

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I got up wearing my smile on my face. Today was my last day of work until I get a month's leave! Not to mention I have a date with Bixslow, my boyfriend, tomorrow!

I look besides me and check the time. 09:00am the clock said. Time to get ready for work, luckily I work as a model so it isn't hard.

I out my pink maxi dress on with some white heels. I put my hair on a side pony tail then set off to work. "Morning Lucy!" People on the streets of California say to me.

I loved it here. It was always warm and everyone was so kind. Although here is great, I do miss Magnolia sometimes...

I walk into the huge building which has a huge light up sign at the front saying 'weekly sorcerer'. Just as I enter I hear someone shout, "Lucy! Just the person I needed to see!" My manager/ best friend Levy ran up to me.

"Yes Levy?" I smile.

"I need you to model these clothes, they're from Erza's clothing line, a maid outfit for Juvia's cafe. I wrote an article advertising them" Levy showed me Erza's design.

"Alright!" I grinned. Erza and Juvia are my other friends.

"Mira is also modelling with you" Levy shouted as I walked down to the dressing room. Yay! I loved modelling with Mira, she's so gorgeous! My inspiration and a close friend.

"Hi Lucy!" Mira says cheerfully as I walked into the room. She was already wearing the maid outfit.

"Hi Mira" I smiled back and start to get ready.

"Its been awhile since we last modelled together, hasn't it?" She sighed.

"Yep! I missed you" I giggled as did she.

Once I was dressed a makeup artist came out and did a light look for us. We said our thanks then went out to the set. We did all sorts of poses, the craziest ones you could think of!

After taking a variety of shots they finally got the perfect picture. "Alright ladies, you're done! Cool!" Jason said packing his equipment away.

"The photos will be in the news tomorrow! Have fun girls!" He shouted whilst leaving.

The rest of the day was spent helping around the studio and occasionally modelling a few things here and there, nothing too eventful, but it was still fun spending time with my co-workers.

"Bye everyone!" I called out as I left the studio. They all shouted me a goodbye. "Ahhh! A whole month off!" I swayed my arms whilst walking down the streets. "Hey! I'll go visit Juvia's cafe!" I grinned and turned direction.

Soon enough a familiar blue cafe came into sight. The sign 'Water wonders' came into my view as I entered the building. I sit down at a small table near the counter. "Hello customer! Welcome to Juvia's cafe, Water wonders! What can Juvia get you?" My blue haired friend asked.

"Hi Juvia!" I waved.

"Ooh, hi Lucy!" She smiled back.

"Please could I have a coffee and a blueberry muffin?" I asked for my usual order.

"Sure Lucy, Juvia will be a moment" she walked away to the back again. I sighed and leaned back on the chair.

Suddenly hands covered my eyes and arms held me down. "Boo" a voice whispered into my ear.

I giggled, "Now I wonder who this could be?" I spun in my seat as the hands were removed.

"Hey Lucy" Bixslow spoke as he strutted over to the seat in front of me.

"Hi Bixslow" I smiled warmly at him. "We still on for tomorrow?" I ask.

Confusion swept over his face. "What's happening tomorrow?" He asked shocked. My heart sank a little.

"You said you'll take me out" my voice was low and sounded kike a whine, but I couldn't help be disappointed he forgot. His face still showed confusion but he plastered on a smile.

"Of course princess!" Just like that I forgot everything else, I loved when he'd give me cute pet names. We spoke for awhile, mainly about him and his job. That was the usual subject, him, although I didn't mind too much.

I saw Juvia heading over, "Here's Lucy's order" she said placing down my dish.

"Thank you Juvia" I smiled as she walked away.

"Tch, you always get a muffin, you're gonna get fat Lucy" Bixslow spoke as he glared at my muffin. My mouth dried up and I looked at my lap. "I'll eat it for you, so then you don't have to worry about getting fat" he said taking my muffin.

I just stayed quiet and sipped my coffee. "Oh c'mon Lucy, lighten up I'm only joking with you!" Bixslow rolled his eyes.

I gave him a small smile. "Of course Bixslow" I then drank my coffee. For the rest of our encounter he proceeded to talk about himself and his work.

He stopped when he got a message. He looked down at it and his eyes lit up. "Who's that?" I asked, wondering who could possibly make him so happy.

"Uhh, no one, listen I've got to go back to work now. Bye babe!" He said getting up and giving my cheek a quick peck.

"Okay, bye, love you!" I shouted as he walked off.

"I know you do!" He waved and walked out.

"Lucy..." Juvia said my name quietly walking up to me, obviously she heard our conversation.

"It's fine" I whispered as I stood up. "Goodbye Juvia, thanks for the coffee" I say as I pay and leave a tip.

I heard her say goodbye as I walked out and headed home. I looked down at my stomach in disgust. I'm so fat!


The first chapter of UNEXPECTED COINCIDENCE! Sorry Natsu won't be in the story for another few chapters, but it wont be too long! My next update will be Wednesday! Thanks for reading, hope you enjoy my story!

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